
Tool to help GAP package authors with the process of making new releases of their packages

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ReleaseTools for GAP packages

The scripts in this repository along with this README are meant to help GAP package authors with the process of making new releases of their packages. The problem with making releases is that it is quite easy to forget steps, which can cause a lot of extra work if you later need to correct that. Moreover, if one only makes a release once a year, it is easy to forget how this works -- making the release process an often unwelcome and tiresome process.

The goal of this document and the tools shipped with it is to help GAP package authors to automate this process as much as possible, so that making a fresh release of a package becomes a quick and painless undertaking.

These tools are focused on making releases for packages hosted on GitHub, and which are using the GitHub release system as well as GitHub pages for the package homepage.

Please try to always use the latest version of this tool. You can obtain it from https://github.com/gap-system/ReleaseTools.


The release-gap-package script should run on any POSIX compatible system, provided the following tools are available:

  • curl
  • git
  • Python 2.6 or later
  • BSD or GNU tar (for creating .tar.gz and .tar.bz2 archives)
  • zip (for creating .zip archives; only needed if your PackageInfo.g specifies it in the ArchiveFormats field)

In addition, you also need a recent enough version of GAP (4.7.8 or later should do it). By default the release-gap-package script assumes that there is a gap executable in your PATH. If this is not the case, or if you want release-gap-package to use another GAP executable, you can do so via the GAP environment variable.

For example, you could invoke release-gap-package like this, assuming the ReleaseTools directory is next to your package's directory:

GAP=/home/john_smith/gap/bin/gap.sh  ../ReleaseTools/release-gap-package

Your package must also be hosted on GitHub.

Finally, you need a GitHub access token, which the script uses to authenticate with GitHub, so that it gets permission to upload files for you. For details, please read section "GitHub access token" later in this README.

Initial setup

The following steps should be performed once on your package repository. After that, you can follow the instructions in the next section to make a release.

  1. Setup GitHubPagesForGAP for your package, as described in its README.

  2. Adjust your PackageInfo.g file to use GitHub. This may require adjusting PackageWWWHome, README_URL, PackageInfoURL, ArchiveURL. An easy way to do that is to use the following in your PackageInfo.g. It assumes that your package name is equal to the repository name; note that case matters. Also, if your package repository is not hosted in the gap-packages GitHub organization, you need to replace the string gap-packages in SourceRepository.URL and PackageWWWHome by your GitHub username.

    SourceRepository := rec(
        Type := "git",
        URL := Concatenation( "https://github.com/gap-packages/", ~.PackageName ),
    IssueTrackerURL := Concatenation( ~.SourceRepository.URL, "/issues" ),
    PackageWWWHome  := Concatenation( "https://gap-packages.github.io/", ~.PackageName ),
    README_URL      := Concatenation( ~.PackageWWWHome, "/README" ),
    PackageInfoURL  := Concatenation( ~.PackageWWWHome, "/PackageInfo.g" ),
    ArchiveURL      := Concatenation( ~.SourceRepository.URL,
                                     "/releases/download/v", ~.Version,
                                     "/", ~.PackageName, "-", ~.Version ),
  3. Update your README, your package manual etc. to use these URLs.

  4. Provide a makedoc.g GAP file which regenerates your package manual. If you are using GAPDoc, often the AutoDoc package provides an easy way for doing this, as in the following example:

    if fail = LoadPackage("AutoDoc", "2016.02.16") then
        Error("AutoDoc version 2016.02.16 or newer is required.");

    As a fallback, we also looks for a doc/make_doc executable. If found, we assume the package is not using GAPDoc, but rather still uses a manual based on the gapmacro TeX macros. We then execute the make_doc script from inside the doc directory, and copy relevant files.

The release process (short version)

The following assumes that you have the latest version of the release-gap-package script from https://github.com/gap-system/ReleaseTools on your computer.

  1. Prepare your release, commit all changes and push them

  2. Run PATH/TO/ReleaseTools/release-gap-package

  3. If there was no error, you are done. Otherwise, address the error, commit and push the changes, then repeat step 2 (you may need to add the --force option, to convince release-gap-package to re-create git tags etc.)

The release process (extended version)

The following assumes that you have the latest version of the release-gap-package script from https://github.com/gap-system/ReleaseTools on your computer.

Suppose we want to release version 1.2.3 of a package named FOOBAR. Suppose furthermore that directory foo contains a clone of the repository.

In order to make a release, you can follow the steps below. Note that this assumes that gap is in your PATH, i.e. it can be invoked by just entering gap. Alternatively, before running the release-gap-package tool you can set the GAP environment variable to contain the full path to your GAP executable.

  1. Make sure we are on the right branch and have the latest version.

    cd foo && git checkout master && git pull

    You should also verify that there are no uncommitted local changes, and if there are, either commit them or remove them.

  2. Make sure there is a gh-pages subdirectory in foo which contains an up-to-date checkout of the gh-pages branch of your repository.

    cd gh-pages && git checkout gh-pages && git pull && cd ..

    If there is no gh-pages directory. resp. no gh-pages branch, you need to create one as described in the README of GitHubPagesForGAP.

  3. Update the version and release date in PackageInfo.g.

  4. Adjust the release date and version in your manual. Note that AutoDoc can do this automatically for you (please consult its manual to learn more).

  5. Make sure that all files containing the version and release date are updated (e.g. the manual; your CHANGES or VERSION files, etc.).

  6. Commit all your changes to PackageInfo.g, VERSION, documentation, etc., e.g.:

    git commit --all -m "Version 1.2.3"
  7. Create the release using the release-gap-package script included here:

    PATH/TO/ReleaseTools/release-gap-package --no-push

    If this does not work, please refer to the section discussing release.

  8. Verify that everything went fine by visiting https://github.com/USER/FOOBAR/releases/tag/v1.2.3 and https://USER.github.io/FOOBAR

    In particular, test the release archives created by the previous step. If you are unhappy with the outcome, or for some other reason decide that you need more changes, do these and go back and repeat previous steps as necessary (in step 7, you now need to pass --force to the release-gap-package tool)

  9. Update the website:

    cd gh-pages && git push

    Note that release-gap-package will also do this for you if you omit the --no-push option; once you are familiar with this tool, and confident everything worked fine, you may want to always do it that way.

That's it. You should now be able to see the new version on https://USER.github.io/FOOBAR and also be able to view the manual there, download the new version etc. Moreover https://USER.github.io/FOOBAR/PackageInfo.g should be up-to-date. So if the GAP server already has this registered as location of your PackageInfo.g, it should now automatically detect that you made a release, and pull it into the next GAP package bundle.

The release-gap-package script

The release-gap-package script helps you create release archives of your GAP package in a clean and controlled way, and publish them on GitHub.

Again, we assume you are working on version 1.2.3 or package FOOBAR.

Invoking the release-gap-package script

You normally invoke release-gap-package as follows from inside a clone of your package repository:


This scans your PackageInfo.g for the package name and version, and uses that to guess the release tag, and continues from there (see the next section for more details). However, several options can be passed to the release-gap-package tool to adjust this process.

  1. Options which indicate actions:

    • -h, --help: display a brief help text and exits

    • -p, --push: Perform the very last step in the release process, which is to update the website with the new release by running git push inside the gh-pages directory. This is the default.

    • -P, --no-push: The reverse of --push: Do not push the new release to the website. This gives you a chance to inspect all generated files etc. before finally making the new release public.

    • -f, --force: for safety reasons, release-gap-package will abort immediately if it thinks that a release with the same version number has already been made, e.g. because the tag for the release already exists. This is done because the GAP package distribution strongly advices against reusing the same version for different content. However, this check might be wrongly triggered, e.g. because an attempt to release the current version was aborted earlier due to another error. In this case, you can use the --force option to instruct release-gap-package to disable this check.

  2. Options which adjust paths:

    • --srcdir <path>: Set the path of the directory containing PackageInfo.g to <path>. The default is to use the current directory.

    • --tmpdir <path>: Set the path of the temporary directory into which the archives are put before being uploaded. The default is to use the tmp subdirectory of the srcdir.

    • --webdir <path>: Set the path of the web directory which contains the GitHubPagesForGAP website. The default is to use the gh-pages subdirectory of the srcdir.

  3. Custom settings:

    • --token: Set the GitHub token to use. For details, refer to section "GitHub access token" in this README.

What the release-gap-package script does

The release-gap-package script does multiple things for you:

  1. It creates archive files in a subdirectory tmp of the current directory. For now, it knows how to create .tar.gz, .tar.bz2 and .zip files. Which it creates depends on the ArchiveFormats field of your PackageInfo.g.

    The files by default are tmp/PACKAGENAME-VERSION.tar.gz etc., so in our example we would get

    • tmp/FOOBAR-1.2.3.tar.gz
    • tmp/FOOBAR-1.2.3.tar.bz2
    • tmp/FOOBAR-1.2.3.zip

    However, the script also look at the ArchiveURL field of your PackageInfo.g to decide if a different basename was chosen. So if you prefer the archives to be called

    • tmp/foobar-1.2.3.tar.gz
    • tmp/foobar-1.2.3.tar.bz2
    • tmp/foobar-1.2.3.zip

    then you can achieve this by editing your PackageInfo.g.

    To create these archives, release-gap-package uses git archive to export precisely the files in your repository present in the commit tagged v1.2.3. This ensures that only files that are present in your repository will be added, no more, no less; and that no stray local changes are included by accident.

    After exporting all files, a few more steps are performed: a. It removes any .gitignore, .gitmodules files. b. If a script autogen.sh is present, it is executed. c. If a file makedoc.g is present, it is executed. Various files like doc/*.aux are removed afterwards. d. Otherwise, if a file doc/make_doc is present, it is executed. Various files like doc/*.aux are removed afterwards.

  2. It uploads the created files to GitHub for you.

    TODO: Describe details

  3. It updates various files in the gh-pages subdirectory to help you with updating the website. In particular, it copies the PackageInfo.g and README to gh-pages, and also copies the HTML version of the manual it just built for the release archives to gh-pages/doc. Finally, it runs the update.g script to regenerate gh-pages/_data/package.yml.

GitHub access token

The release-gap-package script needs limited write access to your repository in order to upload the release archives for you. In order to do this, the scripts needs to authenticate itself with GitHub, for which it needs a so-called "personal access token". You can generate such a token as follows (see also https://help.github.com/articles/creating-an-access-token-for-command-line-use).

  1. Go to https://github.com/settings/tokens.

  2. Click Generate new token and then select "Generate new token (classic)".

  3. Select the scope "public_repo", and give your token a descriptive name, e.g. "for ReleaseTools".

  4. (Optional but recommended) Change the "Expiration" to a larger value, possibly even "No expiration".

  5. Click Generate token at the bottom of the page.

  6. Copy the token to your clipboard. For security reasons, after you navigate off the page, you will not be able to see the token again. You therefore should store it somewhere, e.g. with option 1 in the following list.

There are multiple ways to tell the release-gap-package script what your token is. In order of their precedence from lowest to highest:

  1. Recommended: Create a file ~/.github_shell_token containing your token and nothing else. If you do this, make sure this file is not readable by other users, i.e., run chmod 0600 ~/.github_shell_token.

  2. Add the token to your git config, by setting github.token. As usual with git config entries, you can set this globally in your ~/.gitconfig or locally for each clone (which can be handy if you need different tokens for different projects). You can set the token via the following commands (for details, please refer to git help config):

     git config github.token VALUE           # for the current project
     git config --global github.token VALUE  # globally
  3. Set the environment variable TOKEN to the token value. This is mainly useful in scripts. E.g.

     TOKEN=VALUE ./release-gap-package ...
  4. Use the --token command line option:

     ./release-gap-package --token VALUE ...


Please submit bug reports, suggestions for improvements and patches via the issue tracker.

You can also contact me directly via email.

Copyright (c) 2013-2024 Max Horn