
Real time trading volume aggregation in Kafka

Primary LanguageKotlin

AWS MSK Serverless Live Demo

This project consist of four projects. Each project has its own documentation in README.md

Getting started AWS MSK Serverless

Getting Started and Running (Local)

Step 1: Build the container services to local docker image

# build the producer
./ktor-producer/gradlew jibDockerBuild -p ktor-producer

# build the data aggregator
./ktor-data-aggregator/gradlew jibDockerBuild -p ktor-data-aggregator

# build the websocket
./ktor-websocket/gradlew jibDockerBuild -p ktor-websocket

Step 2: Start the Zookeeper and Kafka in daemon

# init the zookeeper, kafka in background
docker-compose up -d zookeeper broker

Step 3: Create topics in Kafka

# init the zookeeper, kafka, kafka topics
docker-compose up init-kafka-topic-client

Step 4: Run the backend services

# after all topics created,
# boot up the rest ktor-data-aggregator, ktor-producer, ktor-websocket
docker-compose up ktor-data-aggregator ktor-producer ktor-websocket

Step 5: Install and connect WebSocket CLI clients to test it locally

Open a new terminal window

# install wscat (WebSocket CLI client)
npm install -g wscat

# connect to websocket
wscat --connect ws://localhost:9000/subscription

Step 6: Create an order

Open a new terminal window

# produce one data record (create order)
curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:8080/createOrder' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "instrumentId": 0,
    "side": 0,
    "price": "5.00",
    "quantity": "10"

Expected Result

You should be able to see the result as following

Exposed API

Deploy to AWS

# install AWS Cloud Development Kit
nvm install 16
nvm use 16
npm install -g aws-cdk

# deploy
cd cdk
cdk deploy EcrStack
cdk deploy VpcStack

# manually create AWS MSK Serverless, because cdk don't support it yet. https://github.com/aws/aws-cdk/issues/20362
# TBC a aws-cli to create AWS MSK Serverless

# build application docker image, follows the documentation of each repo
cdk deploy FargateStack

Resources for learning

Always use jib to build java/kotlin image


Kotlin Coroutine (Actor model)

Ktor websocket

Kafka Stream

AWS Glue (Kafka Schema Registry)