
Dart Isolate RPC. A simple RPC-style designed API to ease Isolate usage.

Primary LanguageDartMIT LicenseMIT

isolate_rpc makes Isolate enjoyable. A simple RPC-style designed API to for Isolate.


isolate_rpc provide a simpler solution to offload non-UI tasks into Isolate and yet can as Isolate.run(flutter compute) alternative with better performance for Dart SDK < 2.19.0.

This library significantly reduced overheads of Isolate.run. Isolate.run create new Isolate on every single call. In my M1Pro macbook benchmark, each Isolate startup overhead takes ~85us*. I believe the number will be bigger in a low-end mobile device.

Imagine if you are firing asynchronous offscreen operations constantly based on UI interactions, such as sending analytics, fetching remote API, etc., you might want to eliminate this overhead.

See benchmark result

Platform Support
Web fallback to use main thread

Getting started

  1. Create a single RPC service with IsolateRpc<RequestType, ResponseType> using IsolateRpc.single.
import 'package:isolate_rpc/isolate_rpc.dart';

// define a single Rpc service with exactly one Isolate, isolate will be spawned immediately.
IsolateRpc<int, int> rpc = IsolateRpc.single(
    processor: (data) => data + 1, // the execution logics, i.e. this is a plus one operation
    debugName: "rpc" // this will be used as the Isolate name
  1. Execute with 1 as an input, and receive IsolateRpcResponse<T> response.
// execute normal RpcRequest in isolate
IsolateRpcResponse<int> resp = await rpc.execute(1);

print(resp.result); // output: 2
  1. Shut down the rpc when you no longer need it.
rpc.shutdown(); // close the receive port and underlying Isolate.

Advance Usage

  1. Custom Request Response Type
class FooRequest {
  final String? someString;

class FooResponse {
  final int? someInt;

IsolateRpc<FooRequest, FooResponse> rpc = IsolateRpc.single(
    processor: (fooRequest) {
      var str = fooRequest.someString;
      if (str == null) {
        throw ArgumentError("someString should not be null");
      } else {
        return FooResponse(int.parse(str));
    debugName: "rpc"
  1. Creating a pool of RPC services to improve performance when there are computational tasks, i.e., JSON serialization.
IsolateRpc<int, int> rpcPool = IsolateRpc.pool(
    size: 4, // tune the number of Isolate spwan
    processor: (data) => data + 1,
    debugNamePrefix: "rpc-pool" // internally use "rpc-pool-0","rpc-pool-1","rpc-pool-2","rpc-pool-3"
  1. Creating an RPC service with package:logging logger to receive logging
import 'package:logging/logging.dart';

void main() {
  Logger.root.level = Level.FINEST;

  // pattern example to log with the Isolate
  log.onRecord.listen((record) {
    print('${Isolate.current.debugName}: ${record.level.name}: ${record.time}: ${record.message}');

  // To receive all the logs from the Rpc service.
  var rpc = IsolateRpc.single(
      processor: (data) => data + 1,
      debugName: "rpc",
      logger: Logger("rpc_logger")

Cast to the underlying instance class to get more information

var rpc = IsolateRpc.single(
    processor: (data) => data + 1,
    debugName: "rpc"
) as IsolateRpcService<int, int>;


var rpcPool = IsolateRpc.pool(
    size: 4,
    processor: (data) => data + 1,
    debugNamePrefix: "rpc-pool"
) as IsolateRpcExecutor<int, int>;


Benchmark (compared with Isolate.run)

See benchmark implementation

no_compute: no workload, complete immediately

compute: large json (300 items in json array) serialization and deserialization

communication: sending a variable length of data (0 - 1GB) to Isolate and immediately return back to main.

# execution script
dart compile exe benchmark/main.dart -o ./benchmark/main

no_compute json_serialization communication_small communication_large
