
Drush plugin to re-execute a single module update hook

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Drush Update-Rerun

Drush command to re-execute a single module update hook


 module                                             Module machine name
 version                                            Update hook version

 drush update_rerun foo 7001                        Run update 7001 for 'foo' module
Aliases: urr



Using Composer

  1. Require composer/installers

    composer global require composer/installers
  2. Configure the installer path for drush plugins in ~/.composer/composer.json

      "extra": {
        "installer-paths": {
          "../.drush/plugins/{$name}": ["type:drupal-drush"]
  3. Require gapple/drush-update-rerun

    composer global require gapple/drush-update-rerun

Manual Installation

  1. Download the release package
  2. Unzip the package to ~/.drush/


Using Composer

  1. Require composer/installers in your project

    composer require composer/installers
  2. Configure the installer path for drush plugins in your project's composer.json

      "extra": {
        "installer-paths": {
          "drush/contrib/{$name}": ["type:drupal-drush"]
  3. Require gapple/drush-update-rerun in your project

    composer require gapple/drush-update-rerun

Manual Installation

  1. Download the release package
  2. Unzip the package to the drush folder within your project