
Aggregating NoSQL news from Twitter, from your friends at Cloudant

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Aggregating NoSQL news from Twitter, from your friends at Cloudant.

Built using Express-Cloudant with love by Max Thayer.

See it live at http://nosql-listener.herokuapp.com.

Roll your Own

NoSQL-Listener can be modified to aggregate news about any array of topics. To do that, you'll need Heroku's toolbelt, and a database in your account named nosql-listener. Once you have all that, read on!

First off, let's clone the project and download our dependencies:

git clone git@github.com:garbados/nosql-listener.git
cd nosql-listener
npm install

Now, let's configure the app. NoSQL-Listener is built to run on Heroku, so we'll create a .env file to store configuration values, and populate it like this:

USERNAME=your cloudant username
PASSWORD=your cloudant password

CONSUMER_KEY=consumer key provided by twitter when you register an application
CONSUMER_SECRET=consumer secret provided by twitter when you register an application
ACCESS_TOKEN=access token provided by twitter when you register an application
ACCESS_SECRET=access secret provided by twitter when you register an application

TITLE=Listener Title, Displayed In Big Letters On Page

To get those Twitter app credentials, register your app here.

Finally, we build our static assets, upload our design docs, and run it locally:

foreman run grunt
foreman start

BONUS ROUND: To upload your listener to Heroku, do this:

heroku create
heroku config:push
git push heroku master

Now you're live on Heroku!

NB: to prevent your Heroku instance from idling, you'll need more than one dyno running. To do that, run heroku ps:scale web=2