
Manage SCL collections in RedHat/CentOS 6 & 7

Primary LanguagePuppetMIT LicenseMIT



Even though I am currently using this module, there are no tests set up for it yet. Please be aware that this module is used at your own risk!


Manages Software Collections in RedHat/CentOS 6 & 7.


Install SCL (without registering any collections):

include ::scl

Register preset collections:

include ::scl
include ::scl::collections::python33
include ::scl::collections::v8314

Register custom collection:

include ::scl
::scl::collection { 'reponame':
    repo_baseurl => 'http://example.com/repo',
    repo_descr => 'Repository description.',
    repo_ensure => 'present',
    repo_gpgcheck => 0,
    repo_enabled => 1,
    os_versions => [ 6, 7 ],
    package_install => [ 'packagename', 'packagename-*' ],

Available collections