Terraform Module: Kubernetes Deployments

A very simple Terraform module used to easily create and manage a deployment consisting of a single container only.


module k8s_deployment {
  name = "my-deployment"
  namespace = "default"
  image = "my/image:latest"
  args = []


Name Description Type Default Required
name Name of the deployment. string Yes
namespace Namespace in which to create the deployment. string Yes
image Image to create the deployment with. string Yes
args Arguments to run the image with. list(string) [] No
cpu CPU limit to set on the pod (sets the request, not the actual limit). number 0.1 No
env Environment variables to inject into the created pods. map(string) {} No
env_from_secrets Names of secrets from which to populate the environment variables. set(string) [] No
init_containers A list of init containers to use. list(object({ args=list(string), env=map(string), image=string })) [] No
labels Labels to apply to the created pods. map(string) {} No
memory Memory (in MB) limit to set on the pod. number 128 No
node_selector Labels used to select the node on which to create the deployment. map(string) {} No
mount_host_paths A map of host->container paths to mount into the container. The host path should be the key, and the pod path the value. map(string) {} No
mount_secrets A list of secrets to mount into the container's filesystem. list(object({ secret = string, path = string, items = set(string) })) [] No
replicas Number of replicas to create. number 1 No
tolerations Tolerations to apply to the created pods. list(object({ key=string, value=string })) [] No
wait_for_rollout Wait for the successful rollout of the deployment to complete. bool true No


Name Description Type
name Name of the created deployment. string
labels Labels applied to the created deployment. map(string)


  • 1.0.0
    • Release version 1.