My own personal configurations,
sort of works to get things set up
- init.lua: Config entry point. Configures basic options, loads Lazy plugin manager
- lua/ag/mappings.lua: All general mappings, nothing plugin specific
- lua/ag/plugins/: All the plugins I use
- lua/ag/lsp_config.lua: LSP configs for the languages I typically use
- lua/ag/snippets: LuaSnip snippet definitions, loaded by luasnip.lua plugin
- after/plugin/autocmd.lua: Place to stuff all my autocommands
- after/ftplugin/: Language-specific editor configuration (special mappings, tab width, etc)
- zshrc: Main ZSH configuration, uses oh-my-zsh and pulls in a few other scripts
- quarter-life.zsh-theme: A simpler version of the half-life oh-my-zsh theme
- functions: More complex terminal functions, primarily focused on FZF integration
- wezterm.lua: My current terminal config
- tmux.conf: My tmux config for when I can't use wezterm
A customizable MacOS menu bar -
All configuration is in files/sketchybar/
- Use
commands more