
Sample client server done in UDP, supports PUT/GET with sliding window and stop & wait protocols

Primary LanguagePython


General description

Stop-and-wait file transfer protocol of your own design that utilizes UDP as its transport.


The code supports both get and put protocols Client syntax:

  • get filename
  • put filename


  • Your server should be a separate program from the client.
  • Your protocol can only send messages of length no longer than 100 bytes
  • Teams are permitted: Up to two students. Each must be responsible for implementing and documenting either the client or server.
  • Your implementation must be able to successfully transfer large binary files (at least 1MB) even when the UDP proxy delays and drops some of the datagrams.
  • The client and server should do "something reasonable" when the protocol is unable to successfully transfer a file.
  • Your implimentation should indicate relevant stats such as measured RTT and throughput.
  • Your report should
  • describe the prototcol
  • indicate and analyze its performance for each of the following proxy configurations (scripts are in the proxy subdir):
Script Throughput PropDelay QueueCap pDrop pDelay
p1.sh 10,000 B/s 0.05s 3 0.0 0.0
p2.sh 10,000 B/s 0.05s 3 0.1 0.0
p1.sh 10,000 B/s 0.05s 3 0.0 0.1

Part 1: Stop and Wait

The solution should be in the stopWait subdir and implement a stop and wait protocol.

Part 2: Sliding window

Your solution should be in the sliding subdir.

UDP Proxy

A UDP Proxy and demo udp client & server are in the proxy subdir.