
verse api test - Carlos García de Marina Vilar - garciademarina@gmail.com

Primary LanguageGo

Carlos García de Marina Vilar - garciademarina@gmail.com

verse test

Write a REST API in the language/framework of your choice for a money-transferring application like Verse. It should have the following features:

  • An endpoint to get the current balance of a given user.

  • An endpoint to make a transfer of money between two users.


Using docker

cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/garciademarina/verse
docker build -t go-verse .
docker run -p 8080:8080 go-verse

From source

Requires Go 1.12 or later.

go get -u github.com/garciademarina/verse


curl -v -X POST "http://localhost:8080/admin/transfers?key=admin" -H "accept: application/json;" -d "{ \"origin_user\": \"01D3XZ3ZHCP3KG9VT4FGAD8KDR\", \"destination_user\": \"01D3XZ7CN92AKS9HAPSZ4D5DP9\", \"Amount\": 400}" -H "Content-Type: application/json;"
curl -v -X POST "http://localhost:8080/transfers?jwt={jwtoken}" -H "accept: application/json;" -d "{ \"destination_user\": \"01D3XZ7CN92AKS9HAPSZ4D5DP9\", \"Amount\": 400}" -H "Content-Type: application/json;"


The API can be used as admin or as regular user.

  • Admin endpoints are available under /admin/* and need an url parameter ?key=foobar.
  • User endpoints require a valid JWT as a url parameter ?jwt={jwttoken}

At startup the application will load some test-data and show some valid jwt for debug.

  • Repository pattern, inmemory implementation for now.
  • Balance and Amount fields are in cents. (int64)
  • JWT middelware to validate and authenticate the user.

Api response

  • Successfull request will return http status code 200 along with a json with additional information.
  • Failed request will return http status code 40X along with a json with additional information of the error.
Type (string) Posible values api_error/authentication_error
Code (string) Optional code
Message (string) A string representation for the error

Admin endpoints

  • required url parameter ?key=foobar

GET /admin/balance/{userID}

Get the current balance of a given user. {userID}


  • userID (required) A string ID of a user to get the balance


  • num (string) A string ID of a user to withdraw the money
  • balance (int64) The balance in cents
    num: "D5DP9",
    balance: 10000

POST /admin/transfers

Make a transfer of money between two users.


  • origin_user (required) A string ID of a user to withdraw the money
  • destination_user (required) A string ID of a user to send the money
  • amount (required) A positive integer representing how much money to transfer


  • origin_user (string) A string ID of a user to withdraw the money
  • destination_user (string) A string ID of a user to send the money
  • amount (int64) The amount of money transfered
    origin_user: "01D3XZ7CN92AKS9HAPSZ4D5DP9",
    destination_user: "01D3XZ3ZHCP3KG9VT4FGAD8KDR",
    amount: 90

GET /admin/accounts

Get all accounts.

Response A list of all accounts.

        num: "62AC2",
        userID: "01D3XZ89NFJZ9QT2DHVD462AC2",
        name: "Rainbow account",
        openAt: "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
        balance: 10000
        num: "D5DP9",
        userID: "01D3XZ7CN92AKS9HAPSZ4D5DP9",
        name: "Billy account",
        openAt: "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
        balance: 10000

User endpoints

GET /balance

Get the current balance of the user.


  • num (string) A string ID of a user to withdraw the money
  • balance (int64) The balance in cents
    num: "D5DP9",
    balance: 10000

POST /transfers

Make a transfer of money between two users.


  • origin_user (required) A string ID of a user to withdraw the money
  • destination_user (required) A string ID of a user to send the money
  • amount (required) A positive integer representing how much money to transfer


  • origin_user (string) A string ID of a user to withdraw the money
  • destination_user (string) A string ID of a user to send the money
  • amount (int64) The amount of money transfered
    origin_user: "01D3XZ7CN92AKS9HAPSZ4D5DP9",
    destination_user: "01D3XZ3ZHCP3KG9VT4FGAD8KDR",
    amount: 90

GET /user

Get user information.

Response The user information.

    id: "01D3XZ7CN92AKS9HAPSZ4D5DP9",
    name: "Billy",
    email: "Billy@example.com"