Framework of TS-MBFOA for solving global optimization problems with constraints.

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


The TS-MBFOA is an algorithm based on bacterial foraging, and works to solve global optimization problems.

This Java-based framework implements a collective intelligence metaheuristic algorithm that, thanks to its well-calibrated parameters, is effective in finding one or multiple solutions to optimization problems from various fields of study. This metaheuristic is based on bacterial foraging. The framework includes optimization problems from Mechanical and Chemical Engineering, as well as the set of problems from CEC 2006.

This new tool has features such as:

  • Ability to choose and test one of the integrated optimization problems.
  • Ability to calibrate the algorithm's own parameters.
  • Allowing the user to input their own optimization problem.
  • Analyzing the results and basic statistics (best, mean, median, standard deviation, worst value, feasibility rate, success rate, and successful performance).

The optimization problems that can be solved are mathematical expressions that must comply with the following:

  • Objective function.
  • Design variables.
  • Constraints.
  • Variable range.
  • Known best value.

An example of an optimization problem is the following:


Download and Configure JMetaBFOP in NetBeans

Step 1: Download the JMetaBFOP release

  1. Download the release: JMetaBFOPv1.0.1
  2. Click on the link to download the ZIP file of the release.
  3. Save the ZIP file to a location of your choice on your computer.

Step 2: Extract the ZIP file

  1. Navigate to the location where you saved the downloaded ZIP file.
  2. Right-click on the ZIP file and select "Extract Here" or "Unzip Here". This will create an uncompressed folder with the release name.

Step 3: Create a new project in NetBeans

  1. Open NetBeans and select File from the menu bar.
  2. Select New Project from the dropdown menu.
  3. In the New Project window, select Java in the category and Java Application under projects.
  4. Click Next.


Step 4: Configure the project

  1. In the project configuration window, specify a name and location for your project.
  2. Click Finish.

Step 5: Add the JAR files to the project

  1. In the NetBeans project window, right-click on the Libraries folder within your project and select Add JAR/Folder.
  2. Navigate to the uncompressed folder of the JMetaBFOP release.
  3. Select the JMetaBFOP_v1.0.1.jar file and click Open. This JAR file contains the JMetaBFOP framework.
  4. Repeat the previous steps to add the MathParser.org-mXparser.jar file, which is located in the same uncompressed folder. This JAR file is a necessary dependency for solving user-defined CNOPs.


Step 6: Verify the configuration

  1. Ensure that the JAR files have been successfully added to the Libraries folder of the project.
  2. Verify that the JAR files appear in the Libraries section within the NetBeans project window.

You have now downloaded the JMetaBFOP release and loaded the JAR files into your Java project in NetBeans! You can start using the framework to solve CNOPs and leverage the capabilities of the MathParser.org-mXparser library to define your own CNOPs.

JMetaBFOP utilizes a free mathematical expression evaluator called mXparser. This tool offers great features and allows for efficient evaluation of mathematical expressions. You can find more information about mXparser on its official website: http://mathparser.org.

About JMetaBFOP

The framework has three classes that are the pillars for performing a new run of an integrated or inserted problem. These are as follows:


Getting Started with JMetaBFOP

To use JMetaBFOP to solve CNOP (Constrained Numerical Optimization Problems) problems, you need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Import the necessary classes

Make sure to import the required classes from JMetaBFOP:

import com.garcialopez.cnops.*;
import com.garcialopez.metaheuristic.tsmbfoa.TSMBFOA;
import com.garcialopez.optimizationmodel.CNOP;

Step 2: Create an instance of CNOP

Inside the main method, create an object of the CNOP class using one of the built-in implementations. For example:

//Create an instance of CNOP
CNOP cnop = new TensionCompressionSpring();

Step 3: Create an instance of TSMBFOA

After creating the CNOP object, you can create an instance of the TSMBFOA class and pass the CNOP object and true as arguments. This will enable displaying execution information on the console.

// Create an instance of TSMBFOA
TSMBFOA tsmbfoa = new TSMBFOA(cnop, true);

Step 4: Execute the algorithm

To execute the algorithm, simply call the run() method on the TSMBFOA object.

// Run the algorithm

Great! Now you have completed the initial steps to use JMetaBFOP. The complete code looks like this:

import com.garcialopez.cnops.*;
import com.garcialopez.metaheuristic.tsmbfoa.TSMBFOA;
import com.garcialopez.optimizationmodel.CNOP;

public class ExampleJMetaBFOP {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        //Create an instance of CNOP
        CNOP cnop = new TensionCompressionSpring();
        // Create an instance of TSMBFOA
        TSMBFOA tsmbfoa = new TSMBFOA(cnop, true);
        // Run the algorithm

From here, you can continue configuring the parameters, executing the algorithm, and analyzing the results according to your needs.

Based on the above, the console results would be as follows:

Results of each generation:

# x1 x2 x3 FO SVR
1 0.051708539528959534 0.3571847938513473 11.261734071828137 0.01266536820426279 0.0
2 0.051676889753363014 0.3564226191704028 11.3063773520769 0.012665368405583374 0.0
3 0.05165730914324691 0.3559516235468301 11.334131670095449 0.01266541069690316 0.0
4 0.05173013895414509 0.357704322953273 11.231488883251343 0.012665437465644774 0.0
5 0.051731152547499326 0.35772835647753365 11.230119780166316 0.012665474130654525 0.0
6 0.051749150661890085 0.3581626818090529 11.204897362501681 0.012665484732798228 0.0
7 0.05169581795769177 0.3568780883779779 11.279792818292963 0.012665490286198131 0.0
8 0.05163179738412301 0.35534166599784683 11.370342172267488 0.012665523456655696 0.0
9 0.0517353453543781 0.3578288070228064 11.224313889650416 0.012665523778309545 0.0
10 0.0516462332237205 0.3556862990073761 11.34992250893015 0.01266552468031105 0.0
... ... ... ... ... ...
48 0.05173391552008679 0.3578798346177322 11.221496661543737 0.012665601493420716 0.0
49 0.05173908928373005 0.357928760009021 11.21768430813936 0.012665617601847234 0.0
50 0.05169388810219874 0.3567367431254337 11.282911034206164 0.012665648300017164 0.0


Metric Value
Best Value 0.01266536820426279
Mean Value 0.01666204625118927
Median 0.012665670830097016
Standard Deviation 0.027974428535010795
Worst Value 0.21248304599162915
Feasible Rate 100%
Success Rate 100%
Success Performance 3603.0
Time 0

The integrated CNOPs available for you to test are:

Class Class Class
DesignReinforcedConcreteBeam G10_CEC2006 G21_CEC2006
G01_CEC2006 G11_CEC2006 G22_CEC2006
G02_CEC2006 G12_CEC2006 G23_CEC2006
G03_CEC2006 G13_CEC2006 G24_CEC2006
G04_CEC2006 G15_CEC2006 PressureVessel
G05_CEC2006 G17_CEC2006 ProcessSynthesisKocis98
G06_CEC2006 G18_CEC2006 ProcessSynthesisYuan88
G07_CEC2006 QuadraticallyConstrainedQuadraticProgram
G08_CEC2006 TensionCompressionSpring

Customization and Calibration of the Algorithm

  1. Population size: Set the size of the population in the algorithm.
  1. Number of chemotactic cycles: Specify the number of chemotactic cycles in the algorithm.
  1. Step size: Set the step size for the chemotaxis process.
  1. Scaling factor: Adjust the scaling factor for the algorithm.
  1. Number of bacteria to reproduce: Specify the number of bacteria to reproduce in each generation.
  1. Reproduction frequency: Set the frequency of reproduction in the algorithm.
  1. Number of evaluations: Define the maximum number of function evaluations allowed.
  1. Number of independent algorithm iterations: Set the number of independent algorithm iterations to perform.

1. You can adjust these parameters according to your needs and experiment with different values to achieve better results.

2. You now have the option to execute the customized algorithm with the calibrated parameters. Remember to use the run() method on the tsmbfoa object to start the execution.

3. Explore and enjoy the optimization process with JMetaBFOP!.

4. Remember that you can analyze the obtained results and adjust the parameters again to further improve the algorithm's performance.

The code with the configuration would be as follows:

import com.garcialopez.cnops.*;
import com.garcialopez.metaheuristic.tsmbfoa.TSMBFOA;
import com.garcialopez.optimizationmodel.CNOP;

public class ExampleJMetaBFOP {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        CNOP cnop = new TensionCompressionSpring();
        TSMBFOA tsmbfoa = new TSMBFOA(cnop, true);

The results obtained now are from 30 independent algorithm executions, as configured by the number of algorithm executions.

You can analyze the results of each execution to assess the algorithm's performance and evaluate its convergence and optimization quality.

Customizing your own CNOP

If your CNOP is not integrated, you can input it yourself by following the code below.

Instead of instantiating an integrated CNOP, you need to create the following:

CNOP cnop = new CNOP();

Then, set the CNOP information such as name, type, best-known value, objective function, variable order, and variable ranges.

cnop.setNameProblem("Tension/compression spring");
cnop.setFunction("(N + 2) * D * d^2");
cnop.setVariableRange("(0.05, 2);(0.25, 1.3);(2, 15)");

Import the Constraints class:

import com.garcialopez.optimizationmodel.Constraints;

Create a Constraints object:

Constraints constraints = new Constraints();

Use the add method to add the constraints:

constraints.add("1-(D^3*N)/(71785*d^4) <= 0");
constraints.add("((4*(D^2)-d*D)/(12566*(D*(d^3)-(d^4)))) + (1.0/(5108*(d^2)))-1 <= 0");
constraints.add("1.0-(140.45*d/((D^2)*N)) <= 0");
constraints.add("((D+d)/1.5)-1 <= 0");

Set the constraints for the CNOP:


Finally, parse the CNOP:


Then, pass it to TSMBFOA:

TSMBFOA tsmbfoa = new TSMBFOA(cnop, true);

Here is the complete code with the customization of your own CNOP:

import com.garcialopez.metaheuristic.tsmbfoa.TSMBFOA;
import com.garcialopez.optimizationmodel.CNOP;
import com.garcialopez.optimizationmodel.Constraints;

public class ExampleJMetaBFOP {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        CNOP cnop = new CNOP();

        cnop.setNameProblem("Tension/compression spring");
        cnop.setFunction("(N + 2) * D * d^2");
        cnop.setVariableRange("(0.05, 2);(0.25, 1.3);(2, 15)");

        Constraints constraints = new Constraints();
        constraints.add("1-(D^3*N)/(71785*d^4) <= 0");
        constraints.add("((4*(D^2)-d*D)/(12566*(D*(d^3)-(d^4)))) + (1.0/(5108*(d^2)))-1 <= 0");
        constraints.add("1.0-(140.45*d/((D^2)*N)) <= 0");
        constraints.add("((D+d)/1.5)-1 <= 0");


        TSMBFOA tsmbfoa = new TSMBFOA(cnop, true);




JMetaBFOP offers numerous advantages that make it a powerful tool for solving Constrained Numerical Optimization Problems (CNOPs). Its straightforward usage makes it accessible to both beginners and experienced users. The ability to easily customize the algorithm's parameters allows for fine-tuning and optimization according to specific problem requirements. Additionally, the flexibility to include both integrated CNOPs and personalized CNOPs provides a wide range of options for problem-solving. With JMetaBFOP, users can confidently explore and tackle CNOPs with efficiency and ease.

If you don't have a robust knowledge of Java programming, you can still use our UI to test the integrated CNOPs or even add a new one. Visit the following GitHub repository: https://github.com/garcialopez/JMetaBFOP-UI

In the repository, you will find detailed instructions on how to download, configure, and run JMetaBFOP-UI. Additionally, you can explore the code and contribute to the project if you're interested.


In future work, we propose a list of to-do:

Integration of a set of evolutionary and swarm metaheuristics into the JMetaBFOP framework for solving global constrained optimization problems.

  • Incorporate the successful swim and Successful swim rate metrics to measure the exploration and exploitation of the TS-MBFOA algorithm in future experiments.
  • Incorporate the irace tool to automatically search the best TS-MBFOA parameter configuration.
  • Integrate modules to validate the objective function and constraints.
  • Incorporate Multi-Objective Optimization Problems with constraints into the framework.