
An unofficial implementation of BYOL for self-supervised representation learning on CIFAR-10 (TensorFlow 2)

Primary LanguagePython

BYOL - TensorFlow 2

This is an unofficial implementation of "Bootstrap Your Own Latent: A New Approach to Self-Supervised Learning" (BYOL) for self-supervised representation learning on the CIFAR-10 dataset.


The linear evaluation accuracy of a ResNet-18 encoder pretrained for 100 and 200 epochs is shown below.

100 epochs 200 epochs
ResNet-18 82.03% 86.92%

Software installation

Clone this repository:

git clone https://github.com/garder14/byol-tensorflow2.git
cd byol-tensorflow2/

Install the dependencies:

conda create -n tf-gpu tensorflow-gpu cudatoolkit=10.1
conda activate tf-gpu

Pretraining (representation learning)

To pretrain a ResNet-18 base encoder for 200 epochs (weights saved every 100 epochs), try the following command:

python pretraining.py --encoder resnet18 --num_epochs 200 --batch_size 512

It takes around 12 hours on a Tesla P100 GPU.

Linear evaluation

To evaluate the quality of representations extracted by a certain base encoder, try the following command:

python linearevaluation.py --encoder resnet18 --encoder_weights f_online_200.h5

It takes around 1 hour on a Tesla P100 GPU.
