Single-header matrix library for C++.
Simply include "matrix.hpp" (or "matrix", if importing default namespace).
If matrix_t or matrix are already defined, library can be wrapped in a namespace:
#include "matrix.hpp"
xyz::matrix m(3, 5);
template <typename Type> class matrix_t;
typedef matrix_t<double> matrix;
// Create an empty matrix
// Ie: rows == height, columns == width
matrix_t(size_t height, size_t width = 1)
// Diagonals set to scalar, otherwise "zero"
matrix_t(size_t height, size_t width, Type const& scalar)
// Make a copy
matrix_t(matrix_t const& other)
// Attach to a local memory buffer instead. Not freed!
matrix_t(Type* buffer, size_t height, size_t width = 1)
// Ie: rows * columns
size_t size() const
NOTE: No bounds checking with get() functions
Type const& get(size_t row, size_t column = 0) const
Type& get(size_t row, size_t column = 0)
// Returns get(row, column)
Type const& operator()(size_t row, size_t column = 0) const
Type& operator()(size_t row, size_t column = 0)
NOTE: set() functions ARE bounds checked
matrix_t& set(size_t row, size_t column, Type const& value)
// Returns set(row, column, value)
matrix_t& operator()(size_t row, size_t column, Type const& value)
// Ie: rows == columns == 0
bool empty() const
// Check if `row` and `column` inside matrix boundaries
bool bounds(size_t row, size_t column) const
// Destructive; Old data not saved!
matrix_t& reshape(size_t height, size_t width = 1)
// Attach to a local memory buffer instead. Not freed!
matrix_t& use(Type* buffer, size_t height, size_t width = 1)
// Same as above, but using current `rows` and `columns`
matrix_t& use(Type* buffer)
bool operator == (matrix_t const& other) const
bool operator != (matrix_t const& other) const
// Apply `process` to each element; ie: process(data[row][column])
template <typename Function>
matrix_t& each(Function process)
// Apply `process` to each element with indexes; ie: process(data[row][column], row, column)
template <typename Function>
matrix_t& index(Function process)
// Set all elements to `value`
matrix_t& fill(Type const& value)
// Diagonals set to scalar, otherwise "zero"
matrix_t& operator = (Type const& scalar)
matrix_t& operator += (Type const& value)
matrix_t operator + (Type const& value) const
matrix_t& operator -= (Type const& value)
matrix_t operator - (Type const& value) const
matrix_t& operator *= (Type const& value)
matrix_t operator * (Type const& value) const
matrix_t& operator /= (Type const& value)
matrix_t operator / (Type const& value) const
matrix_t& operator = (matrix_t const& other)
matrix_t& operator += (matrix_t const& other)
matrix_t operator + (matrix_t const& other) const
matrix_t& operator -= (matrix_t const& other)
matrix_t operator - (matrix_t const& other) const
matrix_t& operator *= (matrix_t const& other)
matrix_t operator * (matrix_t const& other) const
matrix_t& operator /= (matrix_t const& other)
matrix_t operator / (matrix_t const& other) const
// Flip
matrix_t& transpose()
// Make a flipped copy
matrix_t transposed() const
Type trace() const
Type determinant() const
Type determinant(size_t excludeRow, size_t excludeColumn) const
// Put in row echelon form
matrix_t& echelonate()
// Above, with copy
matrix_t echelon() const
// Put in reduced row echelon form
matrix_t& reduce()
// Above, with copy
matrix_t reduced() const
// Invert the matrix, if possible (Must be square and have a non-zero determinant)
matrix_t& invert()
// Above, with copy
matrix_t inverse() const
// Solve systems of equations
matrix_t solve(matrix_t const& other) const
// Trade places
matrix_t& swap(matrix_t& other)
// Swap rows with columns
matrix_t& swap()
std::string text(bool punctuate = false) const
// Parse input and set matrix accordingly
matrix_t& read(std::string const& input)
// Parse from stream instead
matrix_t& read(std::istream& in)
Non-member functions
// Ie: lhs.swap(rhs);
void swap(matrix_t& lhs, matrix_t& rhs)
// Ie: out << mat.text();
std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& out, matrix_t const& mat)
// Ie:;
std::istream& operator >> (std::istream& in, matrix_t& mat)