
Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

MAST build_status_badge codacy_grade_badge codacy_coverage_badge

Mast connects Spinnaker to FIAAS.

Receives HTTP requests from Spinnaker for deployments, and creates or updates a FIAAS-app object in the containing Kubernetes cluster.


The Development target is Python 3.6.

Install dependencies using pip:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Add bin/format as a pre-commit step if you want to have your code auto-formatted:

$ ln -sf ../../bin/format .git/hooks/pre-commit

Optionally, enable auto-formatting on save in Emacs:

M-x package-install py-yapf

Add the following to $fiaas-mast/.dir-locals.el:

((python-mode . ((eval . (add-hook 'python-mode-hook 'py-yapf-enable-on-save nil t)))))

Use tox to run tests on multiple python versions:

$ tox

Tox will use all supported interpreters installed on your system to run tests, but will not complain if an interpreter is not available.

IntelliJ runconfigs

Running the application

  • Create a Python configuration with a suitable name
  • Script: Find the fiaas-mast executable in the virtualenvs bin directory
    • If using bash, try which fiaas-mast inside the virtualenv
  • Python Interpreter: Make sure to add the virtualenv as an SDK, and use that interpreter

Set the following env variables to run locally:

export ARTIFACTORY_USER="user.name@schibsted.com"
export ARTIFACTORY_PWD="artifactory-api-key"
export APISERVER_TOKEN="foo"
export APISERVER_CA_CERT="bar"


  • Create a Python tests -> py.test configuration with a suitable name (name of test-file)
  • Target: The specific test-file you wish to run
  • Python Interpreter: Make sure to add the virtualenv as an SDK, and use that interpreter