

Primary LanguageScala

Exercism Scala

  • Hello World The classical introductory exercise. Just say "Hello, World!"
  • Sum Of Multiples Given a number, find the sum of all the multiples of particular numbers up to but not including that number.
  • Leap Given a year, report if it is a leap year.
  • Bob Bob is a lackadaisical teenager. In conversation, his responses are very limited.
  • Space Age Given an age in seconds, calculate how old someone is in terms of a given planet's solar years.
  • Grade School Given students' names along with the grade that they are in, create a roster for the school
  • Accumulate Implement the accumulate operation, which, given a collection and an operation to perform on each element of the collection, returns a new collection containing the result of applying that operation to each element of the input collection.
  • Hamming Calculate the Hamming difference between two DNA strands.
  • Etl We are going to do the Transform step of an Extract-Transform-Load.
  • Perfect Numbers Determine if a number is perfect, abundant, or deficient based on Nicomachus' (60 - 120 CE) classification scheme for natural numbers.
  • Secret Handshake Given a decimal number, convert it to the appropriate sequence of events for a secret handshake.
  • Robot Simulator Write a robot simulator.
  • Matrix Given a string representing a matrix of numbers, return the rows and columns of that matrix.
  • Book Store To try and encourage more sales of different books from a popular 5 book series, a bookshop has decided to offer discounts of multiple-book purchases.
  • Gigasecond Calculate the moment when someone has lived for 10^9 seconds.
  • Difference Of Squares Find the difference between the square of the sum and the sum of the squares of the first N natural numbers.
  • Pangram Determine if a sentence is a pangram.
  • Raindrops Convert a number to a string, the contents of which depend on the number's factors.
  • Phone Number Clean up user-entered phone numbers so that they can be sent SMS messages.
  • Strain Implement the keep and discard operation on collections. Given a collection and a predicate on the collection's elements, keep returns a new collection containing those elements where the predicate is true, while discard returns a new collection containing those elements where the predicate is false.
  • Robot Name Manage robot factory settings.
  • Grains Calculate the number of grains of wheat on a chessboard given that the number on each square doubles.
  • Scrabble Score Given a word, compute the scrabble score for that word.
  • Rna Transcription Given a DNA strand, return its RNA complement (per RNA transcription).
  • Triangle Determine if a triangle is equilateral, isosceles, or scalene.
  • Binary Search Implement a binary search algorithm.
  • Sieve Use the Sieve of Eratosthenes to find all the primes from 2 up to a given number.
  • Isogram Determine if a word or phrase is an isogram.
  • Clock Implement a clock that handles times without dates.
  • Protein Translation Translate RNA sequences into proteins.
  • Beer Song Produce the lyrics to that beloved classic, that field-trip favorite: 99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall.
  • House Output the nursery rhyme 'This is the House that Jack Built'.
  • Series Given a string of digits, output all the contiguous substrings of length n in that string.
  • Word Count Given a phrase, count the occurrences of each word in that phrase.
  • Anagram Given a word and a list of possible anagrams, select the correct sublist.
  • Nucleotide Count Given a DNA string, compute how many times each nucleotide occurs in the string.
  • Meetup Calculate the date of meetups.
  • Prime Factors Compute the prime factors of a given natural number.
  • Allergies Given a person's allergy score, determine whether or not they're allergic to a given item, and their full list of allergies.
  • All Your Base Convert a number, represented as a sequence of digits in one base, to any other base.
  • Kindergarten Garden Given a diagram, determine which plants each child in the kindergarten class is responsible for.
  • Largest Series Product Given a string of digits, calculate the largest product for a contiguous substring of digits of length n.
  • Pascals Triangle Compute Pascal's triangle up to a given number of rows.
  • Pythagorean Triplet There exists exactly one Pythagorean triplet for which a + b + c = 1000. Find the product a * b * c.
  • Saddle Points Detect saddle points in a matrix.
  • Acronym Convert a long phrase to its acronym
  • Run Length Encoding Implement run-length encoding and decoding.
  • Roman Numerals Write a function to convert from normal numbers to Roman Numerals.
  • Simple Linked List Write a simple linked list implementation that uses Elements and a List
  • Atbash Cipher Create an implementation of the atbash cipher, an ancient encryption system created in the Middle East.
  • Simple Cipher Implement a simple shift cipher like Caesar and a more secure substitution cipher
  • Bank Account Simulate a bank account supporting opening/closing, withdraws, and deposits of money. Watch out for concurrent transactions!
  • Crypto Square Implement the classic method for composing secret messages called a square code.
  • Bracket Push Make sure the brackets and braces all match.
  • Queen Attack Given the position of two queens on a chess board, indicate whether or not they are positioned so that they can attack each other.
  • Luhn Given a number determine whether or not it is valid per the Luhn formula.
  • Food Chain Generate the lyrics of the song 'I Know an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly'
  • Linked List Implement a doubly linked list
  • Spiral Matrix Given the size, return a square matrix of numbers in spiral order.
  • Custom Set Create a custom set type.
  • Parallel Letter Frequency Count the frequency of letters in texts using parallel computation.
  • Nth Prime Given a number n, determine what the nth prime is.
  • Palindrome Products Detect palindrome products in a given range.
  • Ocr Numbers Given a 3 x 4 grid of pipes, underscores, and spaces, determine which number is represented, or whether it is garbled.
  • Pig Latin Implement a program that translates from English to Pig Latin
  • Binary Search Tree Insert and search for numbers in a binary tree.
  • Rail Fence Cipher Implement encoding and decoding for the rail fence cipher.
  • Bowling Score a bowling game
  • Dominoes Make a chain of dominoes.
  • Sublist Write a function to determine if a list is a sublist of another list.
  • Minesweeper Add the numbers to a minesweeper board
  • Wordy Parse and evaluate simple math word problems returning the answer as an integer.
  • Change Correctly determine change to be given using the least number of coins
  • Connect Compute the result for a game of Hex / Polygon
  • Zebra Puzzle Solve the zebra puzzle.
  • Say Given a number from 0 to 999,999,999,999, spell out that number in English.
  • Alphametics Write a function to solve alphametics puzzles.
  • Sgf Parsing Parsing a Smart Game Format string.
  • Lens Person Use lenses to update nested records (specific to languages with immutable data).
  • Variable Length Quantity Implement variable length quantity encoding and decoding.
  • Zipper Creating a zipper for a binary tree.
  • Forth Implement an evaluator for a very simple subset of Forth