
Tool to pass GeoJSON data from the UNIX standard input to the geojson.io

Primary LanguagePython


Tool to pass GeoJSON data from the UNIX standard input to the geojson.io


  1. Check that you have python installed.
  2. Clone this repo git clone https://github.com/gardster/geojsonio.git
  3. Add alias to your .bashrc file echo 'alias geojsonio="~/code/geojsonio/geojsonio.py"'


echo '{"type": "Feature","properties": {},"geometry": {"type": "LineString","coordinates": [[38,56],[28,54]]}}' | geojsonio

Visualise data from a PostgreSQL psql -c "select ST_AsGeoJSON(ST_Transform(geom, 4326)) from geo_table limit 1;" | sed "3q;d" | geojsonio