
Ansible playbooks to deploy a Openstack Liberty on Ubuntu 14.04

Primary LanguageShell

Openstack Deploy

Ansible playbooks to deploy a Openstack Liberty on Ubuntu 14.04

Neutron specific config:

In order to make Neutron works with floating ips, you need to create manually an external network:

# neutron net-create ext-net --router:external True --provider:physical_network External --provider:network_type flat
# neutron subnet-create ext-net --name ext-subnet --allocation-pool start=,end= --disable-dhcp --gateway

Finally of you want access outside with you VM you need to add 1 nic and put it in the br-ex bridge:

# ovs-vsctl add-port br-ex eth1

Cinder requirements:

For cinder, you need add a disk to the storage node.


Deploy an All in One Openstack.

  • Install the infra (Mysql, ntp...):
ansible-playbook -i hosts.aio --skip-tags multi-host -u root os-infra.yml
  • Install Keystone:
ansible-playbook -i hosts.aio  -u root os-keystone.yml
  • Install Glance:
ansible-playbook -i hosts.aio  -u root os-glance.yml
  • Install nova:
ansible-playbook -i hosts.aio  -u root os-nova.yml
  • Install Neutron:
ansible-playbook -i hosts.aio  -u root os-neutron.yml

Warning: Don't forget to add the external interface to the br-ex bridge.

  • Install Cinder:
ansible-playbook -i hosts.aio  -u root os-cinder.yml
  • Optionnaly Install Heat:
ansible-playbook -i hosts.aio  -u root os-heat.yml
  • Install Horizon:
ansible-playbook -i hosts.aio  -u root os-horizon.yml
  • Connect to the horizon web interface:
http://(your ip address)/horizon

Default admin credentials are admin/admin
