This backbone plugin makes CRUD operations easier over large applications. You can set application wide fetch/save/delete callbacks that cut down boilerplate code.
Feel free to use and change this plugin as you wish as it has been developed to suit my own application, but maybe not yours. Fill your boots!
Current version: 1.0.0
- jQuery (>=1.8.3) -
- Backbone (>=1.0.0) -
- Underscore (>=1.4.4) -
This script requires jQuery, Backbone and Underscore, so make sure you add it after those files.
<script src="path/to/file/backbone.crudder.js"></script>
You can extend Crudder and define what you want to happen when the provided callbacks are fired.
_.extend(Backbone.Crudder.prototype, {
beforeSend: function() {
// What you want to happen before send
onComplete: function() {
// What you want to happen on complete
onSuccess: function(options) {
// What you want to happen on success
onError: function(options) {
// What you want to happen on error
Make sure that you include the backbone.crudder.js file before you extend it.
When you initialise crudder, you can state which of the functions you wish to be activated.
beforeSendActivated: true,
onCompleteActivated: false,
onSuccessActivated: true,
onErrorActivated: true
Each type of Crudder request types share the following options:
enitity: this.model // The model or collection you wish to perfom the operation on {model or collection}
successMessage: 'User data has been fetched', // The message to display on a successful request {String}
errorMessage: 'Error accessing user data', // The message to display on a request error {String}
The success and error messages are passed into the onSuccess
and onError
methods, for you to display them however your wish.
The creating/updating/deleting requests share the following options:
wait: true, // Do we want to wait for a server response? (Boolean, Default: true)
silent: true, // Do we want to prevent the built-in Backbone event from being triggered (Boolean, Default: false)
The creating/updating request has the following options:
entityData: {} // The data to send to the server (Object)
entity: this.collection,
successMessage: 'User data has been fetched',
errorMessage: 'Error accessing user data',
}, function(options) {
// Callback function
// Do whatever you require to do here
// Has the request been successful?
if (options.success) {
entity: this.model,
entityData: {
name: 'Gareth',
email: ''
wait: true,
silent: true,
successMessage: 'The user has been saved',
errorMessage: 'Unable to save the user'
}, function(options) {
// Callback function
// Do whatever you require to do here
// Has the request been successful?
if (options.success) {
You may want to look at Derick Bailey's Backbone.Syphon as an easy way to serialise the forms in your backbone application.
entity: this.model,
wait: true,
silent: true,
successMessage: 'The user has been removed',
errorMessage: 'Unable to remove the user'
}, function(options) {
// Callback function
// Do whatever you require to do here
// Has the request beed successful?
if (options.success) {