
A SQL query builder for PHP with zero dependencies

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Latitude Query Builder

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A SQL query builder with zero dependencies. Attempts to be PSR-1, PSR-2, and PSR-4 compliant.

Latitude is heavily influenced by the design of Aura.SqlQuery.


composer require latitude/latitude

If you want to use Latitude and do not have access to PHP7, PHP 5.6 compatible versions are tagged in 0.x:

composer require latitude/latitude '^0.1'


Latitude includes both a query builder and a powerful set of escaping helpers. The query builder allows the fluent generation of SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements. The escaping helpers assist in protecting against SQL injection and identifier quoting for MySQL, SQL Server, Postgres, and other databases that follow SQL standards.


Query Types



use Latitude\QueryBuilder\SelectQuery;

$select = SelectQuery::make()

echo $select->sql();
// SELECT * FROM users

The columns can also be passed at construction:

$select = SelectQuery::make(

echo $select->sql();
// SELECT id, username FROM users

Supported Methods

  • columns(string|Expression ...column)
  • from(string ...table)
  • join(string table, conditions)
  • innerJoin(...)
  • outerJoin(...)
  • leftJoin(...)
  • leftOuterJoin(...)
  • rightJoin(...)
  • rightOuterJoin(...)
  • fullJoin(...)
  • fullOuterJoin(...)
  • where(conditions)
  • groupBy(string ...columns)
  • having(conditions)
  • orderBy(array ...pairs) either [column] or [column, direction]
  • limit(int limit)
  • offset(int offset)
  • distinct(bool or null) defaults to false

Refer the source for more details. It aims to be easy to read!


use Latitude\QueryBuilder\InsertQuery;

$insert = InsertQuery::make('users', [
    'username' => 'jsmith',

echo $insert->sql();
// INSERT INTO users (username) VALUES (?)

// ["jsmith"]

Multiple sets of values can be added to the insert:

$insert = InsertQuery::make('tokens')->columns('token');


echo $insert->sql();
// INSERT INTO tokens (token) VALUES (?), (?)

There is also a Postgres extension that allows the use of the RETURNING statement:

use Latitude\QueryBuilder\Postgres\InsertQuery;

$insert = InsertQuery::make(...)

echo $insert->sql();
// INSERT INTO users (username) VALUES (?) RETURNING id


use Latitude\QueryBuilder\UpdateQuery;
use Latitude\QueryBuilder\Conditions;

$update = UpdateQuery::make('users', [
    'username' => 'mr-smith',
    Conditions::make('id = ?', 5)

echo $update->sql();
// UPDATE users SET username = ? WHERE id = ?

// ["mr-smith", 5]

There is also a Postgres extension that allows the use of the RETURNING statement:

use Latitude\QueryBuilder\Postgres\UpdateQuery;

$update = UpdateQuery::make(...)

echo $update->sql();
// UPDATE users SET username = ? WHERE id = ? RETURNING updated_at


use Latitude\QueryBuilder\DeleteQuery;
use Latitude\QueryBuilder\Conditions;

$delete = DeleteQuery::make('users')
    Conditions::make('last_login IS NULL')

echo $select->sql();
// DELETE FROM users WHERE last_login IS NULL

// []

There is also a Postgres extension that allows the use of the RETURNING statement:

use Latitude\QueryBuilder\Postgres\DeleteQuery;

$delete = DeleteQuery::make(...)

echo $delete->sql();


To simplify dependency injection, a factory class exists that can used that will always return the most specific type of builder or helper for the given database.

use Latitude\QueryBuilder\QueryFactory;

$factory = new QueryFactory('pgsql');

$insert = $factory->insert(...);
// Latitude\QueryBuilder\Postgres\InsertQuery Object

$delete = $factory->delete(...);
// Latitude\QueryBuilder\Postgres\DeleteQuery Object

$select = $factory->select(...);
// Latitude\QueryBuilder\SelectQuery Object

By default, the factory will also set the default identifier for the selected database engine. To disable setting the default, set the second parameter:

$factory = new QueryFactory('pgsql', false);
$identifier = Identifier::getDefault();
// Latitude\QueryBuilder\Identifier Object

When the default identifier is not enabled, the specific identifier can be fetched using the identifier() method:

$factory = new QueryFactory('mysql', false);
$identifier = $factory->identifier();
// Latitude\QueryBuilder\MySQL\Identifier Object


The conditions builder acts as both a dynamic condition builder and a parameter holder.

use Latitude\QueryBuilder\Conditions;

$statement = Conditions::make('id = ?', 5)
    ->andWith('last_login IS NULL');

echo $statement->sql();
// id = ? AND last_login IS NULL

// [5]

Conditions are used for JOIN, WHERE, and HAVING clauses. They can also be used independently for custom query constructions.

Grouping Conditions

Conditions can also produce groupings:

$statement = Conditions::make()
        ->with('subtotal > ?')
        ->andWith('taxes > 0')
        ->with('cost > ?')
        ->andWith('cancelled = true')

echo $statement->sql();
// (subtotal > ? AND taxes > 0) OR (cost > ? AND cancelled = true)

Note: Be sure to call end() to close the group, or you may get unexpected query results!

IN conditions

Because PDO does not have an easy way to handle array values for IN conditions, the ValueList wrapper can be used to expand the ? placeholder in the condition.

use Latitude\QueryBuilder\Conditions;
use Latitude\QueryBuilder\ValueList as in;

$statement = Conditions::make('role IN ?', in::make([1, 12, 5]))

echo $statement->sql();
// role IN (?, ?, ?)

// [1, 12, 5]

LIKE Conditions

Because LIKE conditions allow for "wildcard" expansion using % or _, a special LikeValue helper exists that will escape existing wildcards in the value. This helps protect against SQL query hijacking.

use Latitude\QueryBuilder\Conditions;
use Latitude\QueryBuilder\LikeValue as like;

$statement = Conditions::make()
    ->with('name LIKE ?', like::escape('%%hijack'));

// ["\%\%hijack"];

The LikeValue helper also supports adding wildcards before and after the value automatically:

echo like::any('John');
// "%John%"

There is also a MSSQL extension that will escape character ranges:

use Latitude\QueryBuilder\SqlServer\LikeValue as like;

echo like::escape('[range]');
// "\[range\]"

SELECT in Conditions

Sometimes it is more efficient to use a sub-query as part of a condition, rather than executing a query to get values that will be used as conditions. For example:

use Latitude\QueryBuilder\SelectQuery;
use Latitude\QueryBuilder\Conditions as c;

$user_ids_from_orders = SelectQuery::make('user_id')
    ->where(c::make('placed_at BETWEEN ? AND ?', '2017-01-01', '2017-12-31'));

$select = SelectQuery::make()
        c::make('id IN (?)', $user_ids_from_orders)

echo $select->sql();
// SELECT * FROM users WHERE id IN (
//    SELECT user_id FROM orders WHERE placed_at BETWEEN ? AND ?
// )

// ['2017-01-01', '2017-12-31']


The builder includes a simple wrapper for database expressions which can be used for column names in SELECT statements and values in other statements:

use Latitude\QueryBuilder\Expression as e;
use Latitude\QueryBuilder\Conditions as c;

$select = SelectQuery::make(...[
        e::make('COUNT(%s) AS %s', 'r.id', 'total'),
    ->from('users u')
    ->join('roles r', c::make('r.id = u.role_id'))

echo $select->sql();
// SELECT u.id, COUNT(r.id) AS total FROM users AS u JOIN roles AS r ON r.id = u.role_id GROUP BY u.id

Expressions can also be used as values in INSERT and UPDATE statements:

use Latitude\QueryBuilder\Expression as e;

$insert = InsertQuery::make('users', [
    'username' => 'ada.love',
    'created_at' => e::make('NOW()'),

echo $insert->sql();
// INSERT INTO users (username, created_at) VALUES (?, NOW())

// ["ada.love"]

Identifier Escaping

By default all table and column (identifier) references will be validated. Any aliases in the form identifier alias or identifier as alias will be changed to the canonical form identifier AS alias.

Note: All identifiers in Expression objects will also be escaped when SQL is generated by query builders.

To enable database specific identifier escaping, pass an instance of Identifier to any sql() method. Most databases can use the Common extension:

use Latitude\QueryBuilder\Conditions;
use Latitude\QueryBuilder\Common\Identifier;
use Latitude\QueryBuilder\SelectQuery;

$select = SelectQuery::make()
    ->from('users u')
    ->where(Conditions::with('u.id = ?'));

echo $select->sql(Identifier::make());
// SELECT * FROM "users" AS "u" WHERE "u"."id" = ?

There is an SQL Server extension that will escape using brackets:

use Latitude\QueryBuilder\SqlServer\Identifier;

echo $select->sql(Identifier::make());
// SELECT * FROM [users] AS [u] WHERE [u].[id] = ?

As well as a MySQL extension that will escape using backticks:

use Latitude\QueryBuilder\MySQL\Identifier;

echo $select->sql(Identifier::make());
// SELECT * FROM `users` AS `u` WHERE `u`.`id` = ?

Default Identifier

If only one database type is used in your application, you can set the global default identifier:

use Latitude\QueryBuilder\MySQL\Identifier as MySqlIdentifier;
use Latitude\QueryBuilder\Identifier;


Now all queries will use the MySQL Identifier by default.

The default can be fetched using the getDefault() method:

$identifier = Identifier::getDefault();
// Latitude\QueryBuilder\MySQL\Identifier Object

Booleans and Nulls

In INSERT and UPDATE queries, boolean and null values will be added directly the query, rather than as placeholders. This is due to the fact that PDOStatement::execute($params) will attempt to cast all parameters to strings, which does not work correctly with booleans or nulls.

See PDOStatement::execute documentation for more information.

Why use Latitude instead of X?

Many query builders depend directly on PDO or use complicated condition syntax that is, in my opinion, less than ideal. Very few require PHP 7 strict type hinting.

A couple of query builders require specific mention, as they are quite good.


The external interface of Aura.SqlQuery is fantastic and Latitude borrows heavily on the ergonomics of it. However, there are two very distinct flaws in SqlQuery that I am unhappy with:

  1. It does not allow for sequential ? placeholders. While this is a relatively minor thing, it forces the parameters to be bound in a very specific way.
  2. It defers handling of array values for IN conditions. This isn't a problem when using the Aura PDO wrapper Aura.Sql, which unpacks array values into a list of values. If you choose not use Aura.Sql, it becomes much more complicated.

Due to these two issues that cannot be easily patched out, and because there is no sign of a PHP7 version of Aura components, I decided to write my own.


Latitude is licensed under MIT and can be used for any personal or commercial project. If you really like it, feel free to buy me a beer sometime!