
Ruby gem for interacting with the vagrantbox.es api from inside vagrant

Primary LanguageRuby


This application extends the vagrant command line tool to allow for searching the vagrantbox.es repository of base boxes.


  • List all currently available boxes:
    vagrant vagrantboxes search
  • Do simple text searches:
    vagrant vagrantboxes search centos 
  • Do slightly more complex text searches:
    vagrant vagrantboxes search "debian puppet" 
  • Show all the details of a particular box:
    vagrant vagrantboxes show 1
  • Show only the url of a particular box:
    vagrant vagrantboxes url 1
  • Download a box listed on vagrantbox.es:
    vagrant vagrantboxes add 1


Here's a simple example of the output:

vagrant vagrantboxes search centos
3    centos 5.5                http://dl.dropbox.com/u/15307300/vagrant-0.7-centos-64-base.box
6    opscode centos 5          http://opscode-vagrant-boxes.s3.amazonaws.com/centos5-gems.box
7    opscode ubuntu 10.04      http://opscode-vagrant-boxes.s3.amazonaws.com/ubuntu10.04-gems.box
9    puppet centos 5.5 64      http://puppetlabs.s3.amazonaws.com/pub/centos5_64.box
10   puppet centos 4 64        http://puppetlabs.s3.amazonaws.com/pub/centos4_64.box
21   centos 5.6 32             http://yum.mnxsolutions.com/vagrant/centos_56_32.box


The easiest way of installing is to use the gem.

gem install vagrantboxes