asEvented is a micro event emitter which provides the observer pattern to JavaScript object. It works in the browser and server (node.js). The code follows a functional mixins pattern described by Angus Croll a-fresh-look-at-javascript-mixins.
In browser include single JavaScript file:
<script src="asevented.js"></script>
On server install asEvented via npm first:
npm install asEvented
and then include it in your project with:
var asEvented = require('asEvented');
##Example Usage Define the constructor which will make use of asEvented:
function Model() {
this.id = 0;
Add (mixin) asEvented functionality to Model with:
model has now access to trigger, bind/on, one and unbind/off functions
Add some functions to Model:
Model.prototype.setId = function (id) {
this.id = id;
this.trigger('change:id', id); // Model has now access to trigger
Create a new object and bind to change:id
var model = new Model();
model.bind('change:id', function (id) {
console.log('id changed to: ' + id);
Set a few model ids in order to trigger change:id
A single handler can be bound to multiple events by separating the events by spaces, though it will be ignorant of the triggering event:
model.bind('change:id change:pass', function() {
console.log('Event called.');
And multiple events can be unbound in one call:
model.unbind('onload onready');
- @mkuklis
- @rk
- @plalx
- @mpdaugherty
- @zspencer
- @travishorn
- @KenPowers
- @nazomikan
- @whiteinge
- @michaelrhodes
- @sirflo
- @vojtechkral
(The MIT License) Copyright (c) 2015 Michal Kuklis