
A Node API for weather that provides observed (historical) and/or forecast (future) data.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A Node API for weather that takes a location and a date(range) and responds with observed (historical) and/or forecast (future) data. Built for use with Pressure, an app for tracking barometric pressure variance and its correlation with pain.


// Endpoints


Description: Returns an array of hourly weather data for the given time period at the specified location Parameters:

  • lat* Latitude
  • long* Longitude
  • dateStart* start date of date range (in any acceptable date format) (when used without dateEnd, only dateStart is queried)
  • dateEnd end date of date range (in any acceptable date format). Total date range can be no more than 5 days. Requests for more than 5 days will be cut at 4 days from dateStart.


Description: Returns an array of hourly atmospheric pressure data (in millibars) for the given time period at the specified location Parameters:

  • lat* Latitude
  • long* Longitude
  • dateStart* start date of date range (in any acceptable date format) (when used without dateEnd, only dateStart is queried)
  • dateEnd end date of date range (in any acceptable date format). Total date range can be no more than 5 days. Requests for more than 5 days will be cut at 4 days from dateStart.

* denotes required parameter

Example Usage

Where hourly data is available, you can expect to receive 24 hourly items per date, so a request for the max of 5 days of data would return an array with 120 items.

Example Request to /weather


Example Response from /weather

    "time": 1527652800,
    "summary": "Mostly Cloudy",
    "icon": "partly-cloudy-night",
    "precipIntensity": 0.0048,
    "precipProbability": 0.09,
    "precipType": "rain",
    "temperature": 73.67,
    "apparentTemperature": 75.11,
    "dewPoint": 71.51,
    "humidity": 0.93,
    "pressure": 1010.55,
    "windSpeed": 5.3,
    "windGust": 9.09,
    "windBearing": 170,
    "cloudCover": 0.88,
    "uvIndex": 0,
    "visibility": 4.15,
    "ozone": 320.1

Example Request to /pressure


Example Response from /pressure

    "time": 1527652800,
    "pressure": 1010.55
    "time": 1527656400,
    "pressure": 1010.82


yarn install or npm install

yarn start or npm start


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