
TYPO3 Extension for exception logging with sentry, see http://www.getsentry.com

Primary LanguagePHP

Sentry Client for TYPO3

ci Latest release on GitHub Latest TER release Downloads per month

TYPO3 logs error messages and exceptions to logfiles and the backend log module. This extension sends them to Sentry, a SaaS/self-hosted application which aggregates them and informs you by mail. In Sentry you see a enriched error messages with stacktrace, HTTP headers and submitted request/form data.

Technical decisions

Exceptions through database outages (imagine a mysql server restart) should not be reported, so the db connection is checked before. Exceptions may be excluded via regexp on their message (won't fix this error => exclude it). TYPO3 throws a lot of PHP Notices and they are not really interesting in production, they are excluded by default.


The preferred way is with Composer:

$ composer require networkteam/sentry-client

The TER version includes some composer dependencies locally, which may lead to problems in the future (one package with multiple version in the project).


// Extension Configuration
$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTENSIONS']['sentry_client']['dsn'] = 'http://public_key@your-sentry-server.com/project-id';

// LocalConfiguration.php (New since 3.0!!!)
$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['productionExceptionHandler'] = 'Networkteam\SentryClient\ProductionExceptionHandler';

Environment variables

Since Sentry SDK 2.x there are environment variables which can be used, for example in a .htaccess file:

SetEnv SENTRY_DSN http://public_key@your-sentry-server.com/project-id


The extension comes with a LogWriter which forwards messages to Sentry which normally are just logged. You can enable it in EM or configure it for specific components:

$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['LOG']['YourVendor]['YourExtension]['Controller']['writerConfiguration'] = [
    \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Log\LogLevel::ERROR => [
        \Networkteam\SentryClient\SentryLogWriter::class => [],

Feature Toggles

  • Ignore database connection errors (they should better be handled by a monitoring system)
  • Report user information: Select one of none | userid | usernameandemail
  • Blacklist exception message regular expression
  • LogWriter Loglevel: If set, log messages are reported to Sentry
  • LogWriter Component blacklist

Request ID

If the web server has set a request ID header X-Request-Id, this is transmitted as a tag to trace errors to logs.

How to test if the extension works?

page = PAGE
page.20 = USER
page.20 {
  userFunc = Networkteam\SentryClient\Client->captureException

This triggers an error that will be reported.

Issue tracker

This extension is managed on GitHub. Feel free to get in touch at https://github.com/networkteam/sentry_client


There is a Slack channel #ext-sentry_client



  • Add log message interpolation (Thanks to @sascha-egerer)
  • Add Fingerprint to log messages
  • Deprecated: Usage of DebugExceptionHandler


  • Client IP is anonymized with IpAnonymizationUtility::anonymizeIp(). Thanks to @extcode
  • Add X-Request-Id as tag. Thanks to @bergo
  • Small code optimizations. Thanks to @tlueder and @LeoniePhiline


  • Add stacktrace to LogWriter messages for message grouping in Sentry
  • Add LogWriter component blacklist
  • Add v11.5 support
  • Drop v9.5 support


  • Add experimental LogWriter
  • Remove setting activatePageNotFoundHandling
  • Ignore PageNotFoundException by default
  • Support TYPO3 proxy setting
  • Use sentry/sdk:3.1


  • Use sentry/sdk:2.0
  • Remove setting productionOnly
  • Remove setting reportWithDevIP
  • Rename setting activatePageNotFoundHandlingActive to activatePageNotFoundHandling
  • Report E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE
  • Strip project root
  • Show event id in FE