
Vectorised implementation of forward and backward propagation of different neural network layers in numpy

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Vectorised implementation of forward and backward propagation of different neural network layers in numpy

Layers Implemented

  • Fully Connected Layer
  • Convolution Layer
  • Max Pooling Layer
  • Average Pooling Layer
  • Flatten Layer

Setting up

  • Give execute permission to download_data.sh file using the following command:
    chmod +x download_data.sh
  • Now run the file to download the datasets into the correct directory
  • You can now run the main file to train the network for different datasets using the following command:
    $ python3 main.py −−dataset <dataset> −−verbose −−seed <seed>
    Here dataset is one of MNIST, CIFAR-10, XOR, circle.

Network Architecture

  • You can change the network architecture in trainer.py file
  • Here is the report mentioning different architectures and obtained accuracies

Description of files

  • layers.py: This file contains the classes corresponding to the layers

    • FullyConnectedLayer: A simple feed forward layer having weights of size in nodes x out nodes and a bias parameter
    • ConvolutionLayer: This layer has filters of size (out depth, in depth, filter rows, filter cols). The sizes of input and output matrices are mentioned in the code. The forward pass involves a patchwise cross-correlation of the input with the filters
    • MaxPooling: This layer pools the values in a window of size (filter row,filter col) and replaces them by the maximum value in that window. The backward pass through this for each such window would be a sparse matrix having exactly 1 value equal to 1, multiplied by the incoming gradient
    • AvgPooling: Similar to MaxPooling this layer replaces the values in a window by the average of all values in that window
    • Flatten - This is a helper layer which converts a 3-D array into a 1-D array
  • nn.py: This file contains the class corresponding to the neural net and uses the functions defined in layers.py

  • trainer.py: This file contains the code to train the network on multiple datasets

  • model.p: Pre trained model for CIFAR10 dataset