
Refactor the given code in such a way that code changes remain minimal incase more income levels are added. Focus on using SOLID principles, design patterns.

    public static double calculateInsurance(double income) {
        if (income <= 10000) {
            return income * 0.365;
        } else if (income <= 30000) {
            return (income - 10000) * 0.2 + 35600;
        } else if (income <= 60000) {
            return (income - 30000) * 0.1 + 76500;
        } else {
            return (income - 60000) * 0.02 + 105600;

Solution Explanation

Step 1️⃣: gives us the correct instance of InsuranceCalculator for a given income.

Step 2️⃣: is used to calculate insurance given an income.

💪 Advantages over previous code

  • No need to new if-else blocks for new income levels.
  • Minimal code change required. Just update calculateInsuranceMap