
GEA Hackathon'18

Primary LanguageJavaScript


GEA Hackathon'18

  1. Download the source code file and extract it. It contains three folders - Dialogflow, Webhook and APIs.
  2. Open Dialogflow console on your browser and import the file GEAppliancesBot.zip (this file can be found in Dialogflow folder)
  3. Open https://glitch.com. Click on new project and click on create new file named "server.js" and paste the code of Webhook/server.js (this file can be found in Webhook folder)
  4. Launch google-assistant through dialogflow and test the chatbot.
  5. To manage the admin panel go to http://angular-gea-bot-abhay.s3-website-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com.
  6. For testing purpose, I am providing credentials here... username: 81652, password: test_password
  7. The technician can manage their profile through the link http://angular-gea-bot-abhay.s3-website-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com
  8. Third folder (named APIs) contains all the APIs which have been used to build the wholeproject.
  9. Watch the demo using this link : https://youtu.be/lgQv0hDPP64