
Modular web scraping framework

Primary LanguagePython

Content Aggregator


Combination web scraper and Drupal uploader. The content sources listed below are scraped (raw or via RSS), the entries stored in a local SQLite database, then uploaded to a Drupal instance via the REST API (part of the services module).

Content Sources

World Bank South Asia

World Bank East Asia

Asian Development Bank





University of Central Asia

Drupal Instance Preparation

Required Modules

  • services
  • libraries (upgrade to >= 2.2)


  1. Enable services module
    1. drush pm-download services && drush pm-enable services
  2. Enable REST Server module
    1. drush pm-enable rest_server
  3. Clear Drupal cache
    1. drush cc all
  4. Add service endpoint (/admin/structure/services/add)
    1. Name: api
    2. Server: REST
    3. Path: api
    4. Session authentication: checked
  5. Edit endpoint resources (/admin/structure/services/list/api/resources)
    1. Enable node/create resource
    2. Enable user/login resource
  6. Edit endpoint REST parameters (/admin/structure/services/list/api/server)
    1. Response formatters: json only
    2. Request parsing: application/json only
  7. Create user feed with developer role

Running the Aggregator


  • Python >= 2.6
  • virtualenv Python library
  • sqlite3 system library


  1. Edit drupal.env.sample in the source tree to match your instance's parameters
  2. Save as drupal.env
  3. Execute run.sh from the project root
    • If the internal scraper database should be cleared, either delete db/scraper.sqlite or run the scraper manually for the first time: ./run.sh --kill-db
    • For cron, run it like this (probably at midnight): cd <scraper dir> && ./run.sh

Command-line Options (to run.sh)

  • --no-scrape: skip content scraping
  • --no-post: skip content upload
  • --post-limit <N>: only upload the first N items to Drupal
  • --debug: show debug info
  • --db <db>: specify database file (default: db/scraper.sqlite)
  • --kill-db: delete database before start
  • --events-only: only post events to Drupal
  • --pubs-only: only post pubs to Drupal
  • --show-pending: print number of pending things
  • --only <scraper>: only run specified scraper (see scrapers.txt)


  • All uploaded items are unpublished by default.
  • Date limit for articles is January 1, 2014 and January 1, 2010 for events and publications.

Known Issues

  • APAARI Events RSS feed does not include parseable event dates