
This is the Repo where the files for the Project will be stored. This repo will be used for Assignments 1, 2, 3, and 4.

Primary LanguageC#


Purpose of the application:

  • A website that allows the user to book a desktop site in a coworking space or area. The example that is used in this project is from a company that has several branches, and it's implementing this booking system to manage available work palaces for their workers who are returning to work at the office. The users can register, log in to their accounts, and see their reservations. The user can pick from different desks available at different locations, and the website will check if that desk is available for booking or if it has been chosen by someone else. The user can also check the different features of the desk, such as if the desk has another monitor or standing desk.

Link to the published website on the server:


Home Page


General Layout (Bonus #1):

  • Pre-built theme: https://bootswatch.com/lux/
    MIT License

  • Own Css modifications: These where added to the code in the "~/css/site.css" document.

Unit Testing:

  • Unit testing has been implemented for the create POST method from the Employees Controller and several tests have been added.

Additional Features:

  • Users can register and log in by using a Google account.
  • How social authentication works:
    • Go to the Registration page that can be accessed in the navbar by clicking in Register.
    • Loggin to google and accept to pop-ups that facebook displays.
    • Write your Email and Click on Register.
    • After that, you will be registered. Now you can go to Login by clicking at the navbar and then Login using your Google account.