stuff you require before runnning
- defects4j (available here: for simulation task, i.e., for compiling and running tests
- srcML (available here:
- src2abs (available here: for abstraction task (if you wish to perform it)
mvn clean package
java -jar /home/agarg/ag/simutate/target/simutate-1.0.jar [arguments]
options based on tasks:
java -jar /home/agarg/ag/simutate/target/simutate-1.0.jar simulate codebert Math
java -jar /home/agarg/ag/simutate/target/simutate-1.0.jar simulate codebert Math Math_1 <-- this will run simulation for only Math_1 bug and skip the rest
java -jar /home/agarg/ag/simutate/target/simutate-1.0.jar flatten codebert
java -jar /home/agarg/ag/simutate/target/simutate-1.0.jar flatten codebert Math <-- this will run flattening for only Math related bugs and skip the rest
java -jar /home/agarg/ag/simutate/target/simutate-1.0.jar flatten codebert Math Math_1 <-- this will run flattening for only Math_1 bug id and skip the rest
java -jar /home/agarg/ag/simutate/target/simutate-1.0.jar flattenfixes codebert
java -jar /home/agarg/ag/simutate/target/simutate-1.0.jar flattenfixes codebert Math <-- this will run flattening for only Math related fixes and skip the rest
java -jar /home/agarg/ag/simutate/target/simutate-1.0.jar flatten codebert Math Math_1 <-- this will run flattening for only Math_1 fix id and skip the rest
java -jar /home/agarg/ag/simutate/target/simutate-1.0.jar getalltests codebert
java -jar /home/agarg/ag/simutate/target/simutate-1.0.jar processsourcepatches codebert
java -jar /home/agarg/ag/simutate/target/simutate-1.0.jar abstract
java -jar /home/agarg/ag/simutate/target/simutate-1.0.jar unabstract
java -jar /home/agarg/ag/simutate/target/simutate-1.0.jar compare codebert
java -jar /home/agarg/ag/simutate/target/simutate-1.0.jar comparefixes codebert
java -jar /home/agarg/ag/simutate/target/simutate-1.0.jar processlocationmapping codebert
java -jar /home/agarg/ag/simutate/target/simutate-1.0.jar getfailingtests codebert
java -jar /home/agarg/ag/simutate/target/simutate-1.0.jar processsubsumingmutantdiff ibir
java -jar /home/agarg/ag/simutate/target/simutate-1.0.jar consolidatechangedlinesdatabymutants [codebert/ibir]
java -jar /home/agarg/ag/simutate/target/simutate-1.0.jar traversingmutantsforcerebro codebert
options based on tasks provided by python scripts (here please change /home/agarg/ag/simutate to point to your repository location):
python3 /home/agarg/ag/simutate/scripts/ fixes codebert Cli <-- if bugs are to be processed then replace "fixes" with "bugs"
python3 /home/agarg/ag/simutate/scripts/ fixes codebert Cli Cli_1 <-- if bugs are to be processed then replace "fixes" with "bugs"
python3 /home/agarg/ag/simutate/scripts/ fixes codebert <-- if bugs are to be processed then replace "fixes" with "bugs"
python3 /home/agarg/ag/simutate/scripts/ fixes codebert <-- if bugs are to be processed then replace "fixes" with "bugs"
python3 /home/agarg/ag/simutate/scripts/ codebert
NOTE: please do not forget to modify below variables in file to specify your desired repository locations and dependencies
static String dirMain = isWindows ? "D:/ag/github/mutants_sensitivity" : "/home/agarg/ag/mutation";
static String strInitialCommandForDefects4j01 = "/home/agarg/ag/defects4j/defects4j/framework/bin/defects4j";
static String strInitialCommandForsrc2abs02 = " && java -jar C:/GitHub/src2abs/src2abs-master/target/src2abs-0.1-jar-with-dependencies.jar single method ";
below is an example:
java -jar D:\ag\github\simutate\target\simutate-1.0.jar
please pass below as arguments and try again
- a task to perform (e.g. abstract / unabstract / processsourcepatches / simulate / flatten / / flattenfixes / getalltests / compare / comparefixes / getfailingtests / processlocationmapping / processsubsumingmutantdiff / consolidatechangedlinesdatabymutants / traversingmutantsforcerebro )
NOTE: for task "simulate", please pass below as additional arguments and try again
Additional 1. mutant directory technique suffix (e.g. nmt / codebert / ...)
Additional 2. project name to perform simulation for (e.g. Cli)
Also for tasks "flatten", "flattenfixes", "processsourcepatches", "getalltests", "compare", "comparefixes", "getfailingtests", "processlocationmapping", "processsubsumingmutantdiff", "consolidatechangedlinesdatabymutants", and "traversingmutantsforcerebro," please pass below as additional arguments and try again
Additional 1. mutant directory technique suffix (e.g. nmt / codebert / ...)
Optional parameters:
Optional parameters for task "simulate" -
Optional 1. bug id to perform simulation for (e.g. Cli_1 / Cli_2 / ...)
Optional parameters for task "flatten" and "flattenfixes" -
Optional 1. project name to perform flattening for (e.g. Cli)
Optional 2. bug id to perform flattening for (e.g. Cli_1 / Cli_2 / ...)
please feel free to fork it, modify and use it as per your convenience.