
Plan B OpenID Connect Provider issuing JWT tokens

Primary LanguageJavaOtherNOASSERTION

Plan B Provider

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This is a minimalistic OpenID Connect Provider that mainly supports the Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant to issue JWTs for Service to Service authentication.

More information is available in our Plan B Documentation.


Building the artifact and running all tests:

$ ./mvnw verify

Find the executable jar in the target directory. Building a Docker image with the above artifact:

$ sudo pip3 install scm-source
$ scm-source
$ docker build -t planb-provider .

Code Generation

Java interfaces and classes for some REST APIs are auto-generated on build by swagger-codegen-maven-plugin. Find the generated sources in target/generated-sources/swagger-codegen/.

Setting up Local Dev Environment

Setup a local Cassandra

$ ./setup-dev-cassandra.sh

Afterwards you can access the Cassandra command line client via Docker, e.g.:

$ docker exec -it planb-provider-cassandra cqlsh
cqlsh> DESCRIBE KEYSPACE provider;

Set up the following environment variables

$ export OAUTH2_ACCESS_TOKENS=customerLogin=test             # fixed OAuth test token (unused)
$ export TOKENINFO_URL=https://example.com/oauth2/tokeninfo  # required for /raw-sync REST API (unused here)

Run the application against your local Cassandra

$ java -jar target/planb-provider-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar --cassandra.contactPoints=""

Testing the Endpoints

Requesting a new JWT via Resource Owner Password Grant (using the example credentials inserted into Cassandra above):

$ curl --silent -X POST -u test0:test0 -d "grant_type=password&username=test0&password=test0&scope=uid" \
     "http://localhost:8080/oauth2/access_token?realm=/services" | jq .

When requesting a new token via Implicit Flow, client will redirect user agent to the authorize endpoint. To test this, open the following link in your browser:


Introducing credentials test0/test0 will redirect to the consent page. After accepting these, your agent should be redirected with the token as a parameter in the url, which should look like this:


The Authorization Code Grant flow is similar to the implicit flow, but we would be getting an authorization code instead of a token. To test this, open the following link in your browser:


After login and accepting the consents, you will be redirected to the callback with a authorization code as parameter:


Redeeming the code for a token can be done as follows:

$ curl --silent -X POST -d 'redirect_uri=http://localhost:8080/callback&code=<CODE_FROM_PREVIOUS_REQUEST>&grant_type=authorization_code&client_id=test1&client_secret=test1' "http://localhost:8080/oauth2/access_token" | jq .

Get the OpenID Connect configuration discovery document:

$ curl --silent http://localhost:8080/.well-known/openid-configuration | jq .

Retrieving all public keys (set of JWKs) for verification:

$ curl --silent http://localhost:8080/oauth2/connect/keys | jq .

Generating JWT Signing Keys

Use OpenSSL to generate JWT signing keys.

$ openssl genrsa -out test-rs256-2048.pem 2048
$ openssl ecparam -genkey -out test-es256-prime256v1.pem -name prime256v1
$ openssl ecparam -genkey -out test-es384-secp384r1.pem -name secp384r1
$ openssl ecparam -genkey -out test-es512-secp521r1.pem -name secp521r1

The resulting PEM file's contents must be stored in the private_key_pem column of the provider.keypair Cassandra table.


OAuth2 token info URL (can point to Plan B Token Info), this is used to secure the /raw-sync/ REST endpoints.
Optional URL to Zalando customer service WSDL.
OAuth2 access token URL (can point to own endpoint), this is used to get OAuth tokens for upstream services.
Comma separated list of Cassandra cluster IPs.
Cassandra cluster name.
Spring security expression, e.g. "#oauth2.hasScope('application.write_all_sensitive')"