It's a vue component for hinting addresses using
$ npm install vue-dadata --save
$ yarn add vue-dadata
import VueDadata from 'vue-dadata'
<div id="app">
<vue-dadata token="dadata_api_key"></vue-dadata>
import VueDadata from 'vue-dadata'
export default {
name: 'VueDadataTest',
components: {
'vue-dadata': VueDadata
Prop | Required | Type | Description |
token | Yes | string | Auth token |
placeholder | No | string | Text placeholder |
query | No | string | Initial state input field |
autoload | No | boolean | If true , then a request for tips will be initialed in the background in the created hook |
onChange | No | function(suggestion: DadataSuggestion) -> void | Function called when selecting a tooltip |
autocomplete | No | string | Autocomplete field |
defaultClass | No | string | Default class ofr component, default value - vue-dadata |
classes | No | string | Extra classes |
inputName | No | string | Input name attribute |
fromBound | No | string | Dadata bound type FROM |
toBound | No | string | Dadata bound type TO |
highlightClassName | No | string | CSS class name applied to highlighted text |
unhighlightClassName | No | string | CSS class name applied to unhighlighted text |
highlightTag | No | string | Type of tag to wrap around highlighted matches; defaults to mark but can also be a component |
locationOptions | No | object | Location options for choosing cities or countries |
- axios
- core-js
- vue
- vue-class-component
- vue-property-decorator
- vue-highlight-words
- vue-debounce-decorator
If you have found a bug or if you have a feature request, please report them at this repository issues section.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Ivan Monastyrev Licensed under the MIT license.