
Hello, Glad to see you here! Check out this repository to view my work and learn more about me.

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Hi there 👋

Glad to see you here! 🤩
The green dots on my GitHub profile represent my journey 🏃‍♂️ - From being curious 🤔 about how does Facebook works back in 2009 to becoming Software Engineer at Postman 🎯 in 2019. Outside of GitHub, catch me for a quick best of 3 in the badminton 🏸 court! You can find me on LinkedIn. Currently I'm looking for contributions for following projects:

PRs Welcome Visitors Open Source Love

Project :octocat: Issues 🐛 Open PRs 🔔 Closed PRs 🔥
Port Scanner GitHub issues GitHub PRs GitHub PRs
Water Monitoring System GitHub issues GitHub PRs GitHub PRs

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Check out links below to know more about me:

Consider leaving a ⭐ for COVID-19 😷 Tracker 🇮🇳 built by me! 🤗
Say Hi on Twitter(@Vinit_Shahdeo)! ❤️ 💬

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