
RSpec tests for your servers provisioned by Puppet, Chef or anything else even by hand

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Serverspec Gem Version BuildStatus

RSpec tests for your servers configured by Puppet, Chef or anything else

You can see the details of serverspec on serverspec.org.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'serverspec'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install serverspec


$ serverspec-init
Select a backend type:

  1) SSH
  2) Exec (local)

Select number: 1

Input target host name: www.example.jp

 + spec/
 + spec/www.example.jp/
 + spec/www.example.jp/httpd_spec.rb
 + spec/spec_helper.rb
 + Rakefile

spec/www.example.jp/httpd_spec.rb is a sample spec file and its content is like this.

require 'spec_helper'

describe package('httpd') do
  it { should be_installed }

describe service('httpd') do
  it { should be_enabled }
  it { should be_running }

describe port(80) do
  it { should be_listening }

describe file('/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf') do
  it { should be_file }
  it { should contain "ServerName www.example.jp" }

You can write spec for testing servers like this.

Serverspec with SSH backend logs in to target servers as a user configured in ~/.ssh/config or a current user.If you'd lile to change the user, please edit the below line in spec/spec_helper.rb.

      user    = options[:user] || Etc.getlogin

Run tests.

$ rake spec
/usr/bin/ruby -S rspec spec/www.example.jp/httpd_spec.rb

Finished in 0.99715 seconds
6 examples, 0 failures

Multi OS support

Serverspec is supporting Darwin based OS, Red Hat based OS, Debian based OS, Gentoo and Solaris.

Serverspec can detect target host's OS automatically.

If you'd like to set target host's OS explicitly, you should include Serverspec::Helper::OSName in spec/spec_helper.rb like this.

require 'serverspec'
require 'pathname'
require 'net/ssh'

include Serverspec::Helper::Ssh
include Serverspec::Helper::Debian

RSpec.configure do |c|
  # Add SSH before hook in case you use the SSH backend
  # (not required for the Exec backend)
  c.before do
    host  = File.basename(Pathname.new(example.metadata[:location]).dirname)
    if c.host != host
      c.ssh.close if c.ssh
      c.host  = host
      options = Net::SSH::Config.for(c.host)
      user    = options[:user] || Etc.getlogin
      c.ssh   = Net::SSH.start(c.host, user, options)

You can select Serverspec::Helper::RedHat, Serverspec::Helper::Debian, Serverspec::Helper::Gentoo , Serverspec::Helper::Solaris or Serverspec::Helper::Darwin.

See details on serverspec.org


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request