
A web-scraping framework written in Javascript, using PhantomJS and jQuery

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Homepage: http://nrabinowitz.github.com/pjscrape/


pjscrape is a framework for anyone who's ever wanted a command-line tool for web scraping using Javascript and jQuery. Built to run with PhantomJS, it allows you to scrape pages in a fully rendered, Javascript-enabled context from the command line, no browser required.


  • Client-side, Javascript-based scraping environment with full access to jQuery functions
  • Easy, flexible syntax for setting up one or more scrapers
  • Recursive/crawl scraping
  • Delay scrape until a "ready" condition occurs
  • Load your own scripts on the page before scraping
  • Modular architecture for logging and writing/formatting scraped items
  • Client-side utilities for common tasks
  • Growing set of unit tests


  1. Download and install PhantomJS or PyPhantomJS, v.1.2. In order to use file-based logging or data writes, you'll need to use PyPhantomJS with the Save to File plugin (though I think this feature will be rolled into the PhantomJS core in the next version).

  2. Make a config file to define your scraper(s). Config files can set global pjscrape settings via pjs.config() and add one or more scraper suites via pjs.addSuite().

  3. A scraper suite defines a set of scraper functions for one or more URLs. More docs on this coming soon, but a sample config file might look like this:

        title: 'My Scraper Suite',
        // single URL or array
        urls: [
        // one or more functions, evaluated in the client
        scrapers: [
            function() {
                var items = [];
                $('h2').each(function() {
                return items;

    A simple scraper can be added with the pjs.addScraper() function:

        function() {
            return $('h1').first().text();
  4. To run pjscrape from the command line, type: pyphantomjs /path/to/pjscrape.js my_config_file.js

By default, the log output is pretty verbose, and the scraped data is written as JSON to stdout at the end of the scrape. You can configure logging, formatting, and writing data using pjs.config():

    // options: 'stdout', 'file' (set in config.logFile) or 'none'
    log: 'stdout',
    // options: 'json' or 'csv'
    format: 'json',
    // options: 'stdout' or 'file' (set in config.outFile)
    writer: 'file',
    outFile: 'scrape_output.json'


Comments and questions welcomed at nick (at) nickrabinowitz (dot) com.