
Display weather information from Dark Sky API on uOLED-128-G2 using ESP-WROOM-32

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT



Display weather information from Dark Sky API on uOLED-128-G2 using ESP-WROOM-32 and Arduino IDE. The article can be found at https://garretlab.web.fc2.com/arduino/esp32/make/darksky_oled_graphic_display/index.html in Japanese.

You need to change the code below to suit your environment.

const char *ssid = "YOURSSID";
const char *password = "YOURPASSWORD";

const char *apiKey = "YOURAPIKEY";
const char *latitude = "YOURLATITUDE";
const char *longitude = "YOURLONGITUDE";

const char *tz = "YOURTIMEZONE";
const char *ntpServer1 = "NTPSERVER1";
const char *ntpServer2 = "NTPSERVER2";
const char *ntpServer3 = "NTPSERVER3";

You need the JsonListener.h which is available from arduino library manager.