
Create a SVG badge inspired by shields.io from a coverage report in lcov format

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Build status

A simple tool that produces a badge inspired by shields.io from a lcov.info file

For example the following badge is self served by this project, not by any service provider. Click it to access a lcov report in HTML.

Tests code coverage status


npm install lcov2badge


var lcov2badge = require('lcov2badge');
lcov2badge.badge('./coverage/lcov.info', function(err, svgBadge){
    if (err) throw err;

Use options instead of file path as first parameter:

var options = {
    filePath: './coverage/lcov.info',
    okColor: 'green', 					// default is 'brightgreen'
    warnColor: 'yellow', 				// default is 'orange'
    koColor: 'orange', 					// default is 'red'
    warnThreshold: 90, 					// default is 80
    koThreshold: 70,					// default is 60
    subject: 'cover'					// default is 'coverage'
lcov2badge.badge(options, function(err, svgBadge){...});