
Save the world from stampeding ladybugs.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Ladybug Run

You control a group of friends who are on a quest to overcome the ladybug hordes and their leader Big Boss Bug Boy.

Use the direction keys to move.

Move your character into a friend to tag them. You will control the tagged friend.

Move your character over a collectable to pick it up.

Use the spacebar to throw. The last direction key pressed is the direction of your projectile.

Ladybugs will eat you stay away from their heads!

You can ride them if you jump on their backs. Make sure they are big enough to hold you.

If you ride a big enough one you can move over impassable terrain.

When you are riding a ladybug, other ladybugs will ignore you.

Press d to dismount.

There are two types of special tiles. Transporter tiles transport your character to its pair. Flashing goal tiles take you to the next level.

If you die reload the webpage.

If you win reload the webpage