
A web app that helps you track what groceries you have in your pantry and fridge so you know what you might be low on when you go to the store.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A web app that helps you track what groceries you have in your pantry and fridge so you know what you might be low on when you go to the store.


You'll need Node.js to build the React UI and Python 3 to run the server. Installing Python 3 is easy:

sudo apt install python3
pip3 install pipenv
git clone https://github.com/garrettheath4/pantry-tracker.git
cd pantry-tracker
sudo ln -s "$PWD/init.d" /etc/init.d/pantry-tracker && sudo update-rc.d pantry-tracker defaults
pipenv install

Note: You might need to follow the instructions in the Install Node.js on Raspberry Pi section below if you can't install it with apt.

sudo apt install nodejs npm
npm install npm@latest -g
cd webapp/
npm install
npm run build


In order to run the server, you'll first need to create a credentials.json file that can access the Google Sheets API. You can do this the quick way or the advanced way.

The quick way to do this is to go to this quickstart guide and click Enable the Google Sheets API and then Download Client Configuration to download the credentials.json file.

The advanced way to do this is to first go to the Google APIs Developer Console. From there, click on Configure Consent Screen and go through the process to set up the consent screen with the auth/spreadsheets scope. After configuring the consent screen, click Create Credentials > OAuth client ID and follow that process to get a client ID and a client secret.


To start the web server as a service, run:

service pantry-tracker start

To run the web server directly, just run:


from this repository's top level. Or you can directly run:

pipenv run python3 -m pantryserver


  • From top-level folder of repo:
    • pipenv run python3 -m test - Run Python unit tests only (no React tests)
  • From webapp/ folder of repo:
    • npm test - Run React unit tests only (no Python tests)
    • npm start - Compile and launch the React UI in dev mode (no Python API)


  • React - webapp UI
  • Python 3 - server for React UI and API
  • Node.js and NPM - dependency management and build tool

Install Node.js on Raspberry Pi

  1. Download Linux binaries for ARM processors

    wget "https://nodejs.org/dist/$NODEVER/node-$NODEVER-$DISTRO.tar.xz"
  2. Extract Node.js to the installation directory (/usr/local/packages/ in this case)

    sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/packages
    sudo tar -xJvf "node-$NODEVER-$DISTRO.tar.xz" -C /usr/local/packages
    sudo chown -R root:staff /usr/local/packages
    sudo chmod -R ug+w /usr/local/packages
  3. Create a symbolic link to point to the "current" version of Node.js (this makes it easier to update to a newer version by simply updating this link)

    cd /usr/local/packages
    sudo ln -s "node-$NODEVER-$DISTRO" nodejs
  4. Add Node.js to your path by adding this line to your ~/.profile or ~/.bashrc (using nano ~/.profile or vim ~/.profile)

    export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/packages/nodejs/bin


Google Refresh Error

If the Python console has the following error after you try to start the server process:

google.auth.exceptions.RefreshError: ('deleted_client: The OAuth client was
deleted.', '{\n  "error": "deleted_client",\n  "error_description": "The OAuth
client was deleted."\n}')

then simply delete the token.pickle file and restart the Python server. The server will then launch a web browser with a google.com page to allow you to authenticate to your Google account.

Lots of 404's

If you see the error code 404, message File Not Found in the Python console multiple times then it probably means the React webapp's URL prefix is set incorrectly. Check the value of the "homepage" key in webapp/package.json. You should probably delete the "homepage" configuration line unless you're hosting the web app on GitHub.io (for example: "homepage": "http://garrettheath4.github.io/pantry-tracker",).