
JW Player 7 for Wordpress gives you all what you need to publish videos on your posts and pages, with the new JW7. Skins, position, share.

Primary LanguagePHP

=== JW Player 7 for Wordpress ===
Contributors: ghera74
Tags: jw player, jwplayer, jwp, jwp 7, video, embed video, youtube, related video, video preroll 
Requires at least: 4.0
Tested up to: 4.7.4
Stable tag: 1.4.1
License: GPLv2

JW Player 7 for Wordpress gives you all what you need to publish videos on your posts and pages, with the new JW7.
Skins, position, share.

== Description ==
**JW Player 7 for Wordpress** works with the self-hosted version of JW Player 7, that means that you have to:<br>

* Register a JW Player account at http://www.jwplayer.com/sign-up/
* Once you're logged in, download the player and copy your Licence key from https://dashboard.jwplayer.com/#/players/downloads
* Upload the folder to your site
* Add the full url of **jwplayer.js** that you just uploaded, in the admin page of the plugin; it will be something like http://example.com/FOLDER-UPLOADED/jwplayer.js
* Paste your Licence Key to the admin page of the plugin.

After that, set your general preferences, choose the post types where you want to add videos and start to add content using the JW Player box that you'll find there.<br>
Just add the url of your self-hosted video, YouTube video or MP3.<br>
That's all, you're ready to go!


* Better tabs navigation.
* (Premium) New option tab for subtitles style customization.
* (Premium) Possibility to activate subtitles by default.

== Installation ==
<strong>From your WordPress dashboard</strong>
<li>Visit 'Plugins > Add New'</li>
<li>Search for 'JW Player 7 for Wordpress' and download it.</li>
<li>Activate JW Player 7 for Wordpress from your Plugins page.</li>
<li>Once Activated, go to <strong>JW Player</strong> menu and set you preferences.</li>
<strong>From WordPress.org or ilghera.com</strong>
<li>Download JW Player 7 for Wordpress</li>
<li>Upload the 'jw-player-7-for-wp’ directory to your '/wp-content/plugins/' directory, using your favorite method (ftp, sftp, scp, etc...)</li>
<li>Activate JW Player 7 for Wordpress from your Plugins page.</li>
<li>Once Activated, go to <strong>JW Player</strong> menu and set you preferences.</li>

== Screenshots ==
1. Post types and position
2. Skins and player's dimensions
3. Sharing options

== Changelog ==

= 1.4.1 =
Release Date: 3 May 2017

* Enhancement: Better tabs navigation.
* Enhancement: (Premium) New option tab for subtitles style customization.
* Enhancement: (Premium) Possibility to activate subtitles by default.

= 1.4.0 =
Release Date: 7 February 2017

* Enhancement: Add custom measures to every single player with the new shortcode options.
* Enhancement: Social sharing now includes Facebook, Twitter, GooglePlus, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Tumblr, Reddit and email of course.
* Enhancement (Premium): Load different subtitles files (vtt, srt, dfxp) that can be chosen from the CC selection menu.
* Enhancement (Premium): Add different sources with label and let the user toggles the desired video quality.
* Enhancement (Premium): Now you can let the user download your video only by adding a flag.
* Enhancement (Premium): Now you can mute your videos during playback.
* Enhancement (Premium): Configures if the player should loop the content.
* Enhancement (Premium): Autostart, Mute and Repeat options are now available for playlists too by using the new shortcode options.
* Enhancement (Premium): Next up tooltip and more elements are now localized.
* Bug Fix: 	   Special chars in video title and description.

= 1.3.3 =
Release Date: 18 November, 2016

* Bug Fix: YouTube video thumbnail check returned always true.

= 1.3.2 =
Release Date: 17 November, 2016

* Enhancement: Now is possible use the post thumbnail as video poster image.
* Enhancement: YouTube videos now get thumbnails automatically.
* Enhancement: (Premium) Removed the limit of six chapters and subtitles, you can add as many elements as you need.
* Enhancement: (Premium) Now you can add Preview Thumbnails of your video, visible on mouseover on the timeline.

= 1.3.1 =
Release Date: 01 August, 2016

* Bug Fix: Error Missing argument 2 for jwppp_video_code()... with Video Player position in pre/ post content.

= 1.3.0 =
Release Date: 01 August, 2016

* Enhancement: When the file extension is missing or not recognized, now you can force a media type with a simple tool
* Enhancement: The plugin is now Google Analytics ready
* Enhancement: Now you can call videos from outside of the loop, by indicating the post/ page id into the shortcode
* Enhancement: Use the [jw7-video] shortcode into the text widget
* Enhancement: Choose where the logo has to be visualized into the player
* Enhancement: Now you can add subtitles to your videos

= 1.2.0 =
Release Date: 05 April, 2016

* Enhancement (Premium): Now is possible to add a playlist using a shortcode. 
* Enhancement: Added the possibility to indicate a second video URL for mobile devices.

= 1.1.1 =
Release Date: January 03, 2015

* Bug Fix: Missed database update
* Bug Fix: Missed chapters update

= 1.1.0 =
Release Date: January 01, 2015

* Enhancement (Premium): Added Autostart on page load option. 
* Enhancement (Premium): Added the possibility to publish more than one video per post/page (Ajax)
* Enhancement (Premium): Updated the shortcode functionality that gives the ability to call the single video by number
* Bug Fix: Blank line in the header, generated by getting player key and library script.
* Bug Fix: YouTube preview image now fill the player dimensions.
* Bug Fix: Problem on showing more than one video in archive pages.

= 1.0.1 = 
Release Date: October 12, 2015

* Enhancement: Added Custom Player Position option with shortcode
* Enhancement: Added detailed instructions in how to setup JW Player self-hosted to your site
* Premium option: Added the possibility to add a playlist using a feed.

= 1.0.0 = 
* First release