=== Color Posts === Contributors: jeherve Tags: Colors, Posts, Tonesque, Jetpack, Theme Stable tag: 1.1 Requires at least: 3.8 Tested up to: 3.9.2 Color Posts changes the background color of your post to match the image you've inserted into that post. == Description == Color Posts grabs an image from your post, samples it, creates a matching color and a contrast value (black or white), and changes the post's background color to match the image. Important: for this plugin to work, you must activate [Jetpack](http://wordpress.org/plugins/jetpack/) first This plugin is a work in progress. You can report issues [here](http://wordpress.org/support/plugin/color-posts), or submit a pull request [on GitHub](https://github.com/jeherve/color-posts/). You can read more about how the plugin works here: [Color Posts plugin: how to use Jetpack libs in your plugin](http://jeremy.hu/color-posts-jetpack-plugin/) == Installation == 1. Install the Jetpack plugin 2. Install the Color Posts plugin via the WordPress.org plugin repository, or via your dashboard 3. Activate the plugin 4. Enjoy! :) == Frequently Asked Questions == = I don't want to change the background color on my site, but I'd like to use this plugin to change other elements on my site = No problem! You can build your own CSS from the colors grabbed by the plugin, like so: `function jeherve_use_custom_colors( $colors_css, $color, $contrast ) { $post_id = get_the_ID(); $tonesque = get_post_meta( $post_id, '_post_colors', true ); extract( $tonesque ); $colors_css = ".post a { color: #{$color}; }"; return $colors_css; } add_filter( 'colorposts_css_output', 'jeherve_use_custom_colors', 10, 3 );` = I don't want Jetpack to choose the base image for me. I want to use my own image = You can do so thanks to the `colorposts_image_output` filter, like so: `function jeherve_use_custom_image( $the_image ) { $the_image = 'http://f.cl.ly/items/3z0o2k2F3w0D0p0k1Y35/cool.gif'; // Whatever image you want, you could grab it from a custom field return esc_url( $the_image ); } add_filter( 'colorposts_image_output', 'jeherve_use_custom_image' );` = How do I change the default color that is assigned to posts without an image = You can define a default image that will be used to create a color for all posts that don't include an image. To do so, you can use the `jetpack_open_graph_image_default` filter, like so: `function jeherve_custom_colors_default_img( $the_image ) { $the_image = 'http://f.cl.ly/items/3z0o2k2F3w0D0p0k1Y35/cool.gif'; // Whatever image you want, you could grab it from a custom field return esc_url( $the_image ); } add_filter( 'jetpack_open_graph_image_default', 'jeherve_custom_colors_default_img' );` == Changelog == = 1.1 = * Add default fallback image and documentation = 1.0 = * Initial release
Color Posts changes the background color of your post to match the image you've inserted into that post.