
Welcome to PortScanner3.0 — a Python script that delivers fast, accurate port scanning across single or multiple targets.


Unleash the power of lightning-fast port scanning with PortScanner3.0! This Python-powered tool is engineered for network reconnaissance—deeper, faster, and smarter than ever. Say goodbye to ordinary scanners that choke on firewalls. PortScanner3.0 exposes open ports and reveals hidden services like no other.

🚀 Features

  • Blazing Fast Multithreaded Scanning: Scans multiple ports simultaneously for surgical precision.
  • Multi-Target Capability: Scan one or more IP addresses—because why limit yourself?
  • Extensive Port Coverage: Customize your scan range to fit your mission, from the most common ports to the obscure.
  • Service Detection: Maps open ports to common services, helping you identify what's running.
  • Real-Time Logging: Automatically logs scan results with timestamps for later analysis.

🛠 Requirements

  • Python 3.x
  • Socket Library (included with Python by default)
  • termcolor (install via pip install termcolor)

📝 Usage

Run the script from the command line:

python port_scanner.py
Enter Targets: Single or multiple IP addresses, e.g., or,,
Enter Number of Ports to Scan: Specify the number of ports to scan, starting from port 1. For example, entering 1000 scans ports 1-1000.

🔥 Example

python port_scanner.py
[*] Enter Targets To Scan (split by ,):,
[*] Enter How Many Ports You Want To Scan: 1000

PortScanner3.0 will reveal open ports and the associated services in real-time:
[+] Port 22 (SSH) is open on
[+] Port 80 (HTTP) is open on

🌐 Future Functionality

Our goal is to build the next Nmap on steroids:

Advanced OS Fingerprinting: Identify the operating system behind the IP.
Service Version Detection: Find out what version of services are running.
Stealth Scanning: Evade firewalls and intrusion detection systems.
Cloudflare Bypass Strategies: Map networks protected by services like Cloudflare.

⚠️ Disclaimer

Unauthorized scanning of networks is illegal. Always obtain permission before scanning any system.