
A simple Minecraft Server plugin that has some small little tools to help

Primary LanguageJava


A simple Minecraft Server plugin that has some small little tools to help

Supports 1.17 - 1.18.1


  • /muteall Mutes all players in the server, even those that have just joined
  • /clearchat Clears chat with specified amount of lines
  • /hidechat Sends a chat message without any player tag, supports colors and formatting codes


  • daem0ns.muteall Gives player to toggle the mute state of the server
    • daem0ns.muteall.bypass Gives player to bypass the mute state
  • daem0ns.clearchat Gives player to clear the chat
  • daem0ns.hide Gives player to send hidden chat messages
  • daem0ns.perfreport Gives player the ability to receive messages if the server is not running at a specified TPS
  • daem0ns.* Gives player all daem0ns permissions/commands

Default Config

#         __                     ____             #
#    ____/ /___ ____  ____ ___  / __ \____  _____ #
#   / __  / __ `/ _ \/ __ `__ \/ / / / __ \/ ___/ #
#  / /_/ / /_/ /  __/ / / / / / /_/ / / / (__  )  #
#  \__,_/\__,_/\___/_/ /_/ /_/\____/_/ /_/____/   #

# How many new lines will be created when you run /clearchat
# Default: 100
clearchat-line-inserts: 100

# TPS checker, each value should never be higher than 20, as a server TPS will only go as high as 20
# Console messages are the normal messages telling the console that the server is running normally. This helps cut down
# on console spam if left false. If the server is unstable it will still broadcast a message.
  1m: 18
  5m: 19
  15m: 19
  console-messages: false

Compiling from source


  • Gradle
  • Java 16


  1. git clone https://github.com/garrettsummerfi3ld/daem0ns.git
  2. ./gradlew build