Used to launch CloudFormation Template from command line using AWS CLI commands.
It is designed to be reusable without having to make changes to the script. Simple use a default create YAML config or create you own custom YAML config file.
- macOS Sierra 10.12.3
- AWS CLI v1.11.55
This has been test
- BASH Shell
- tee command installed
- Unless set
nolog: true
in config
- Unless set
- Proxy configured for Shell if needed
- AWS CLI installed and configured
- Open Terminal
- Pull down this git repository locally
git clone /path/to/clone/
- Create symlink & aliases the the as desired. Examples below.
The following can be displayed with the -h switch.
CloudFormation Launcher v1.7.0
Usage: /usr/local/bin/cfnl [-u | -d | -s] -f ./config_file.yml
-f File Path : (Required) YAML Script Config File Full Path
-r Region : Overrides yaml config, ENV:AWS_REGION and aws config.
Set Order: 1. Parameter 2. Yaml Config 3. ENV:AWS_REGION 4. Default us-west-2
-u Action Update : Action Flag to Update Stack
-d Action Delete : Action Flag to Delete Stack
-s Action Status : Action Flag to Get Stack Status
-b Debug Output : Display Additional Output for Debugging
-h Help : Displays Help Information
-v Version : Displays Script Version
Action Flags:
Only one action flag can be used. The default Action is 'Create' (No flag).
The three override Action Flags are -u, -d and -s.
This script uses the AWS CLI and BASH to create, update, delete or get
status of a CloudFormation Stack. It uses the AWS CLI to push the
CloudFormation Template to AWS. Then loops over and over checking
status of the stack.
YAML Config File Format Example:
stackname: stack1
profilename: awsaccount
region: us-west-2
templateurl: # Or .json
templatelocal: /path/to/cfn/templates/webapp1.yml # Unless using URL
parametersfilepath: /Users/gsm987/.cfnl/uswest2/client1/account1/dev/webapp1.json
capabilityiam: false
capabilitynamediam: false
capabilityautoexpand: false
deletecreatefailures: true
uses3template: true
nolog: false
logfile: /Users/gsm987/.cfnl/logs/uswest2/client1/account1/dev/webapp1.log
verbose: true
waittime: 5
maxwaits: 180
Create Stack
/usr/local/bin/cfnl -f /Users/gsm987/.cfnl/uswest2/client1/account1/dev/webapp1.yml
Update Stack
/usr/local/bin/cfnl -u -f /Users/gsm987/.cfnl/uswest2/client1/account1/dev/webapp1.yml
Delete Stack
/usr/local/bin/cfnl -d -f /Users/gsm987/.cfnl/uswest2/client1/account1/dev/webapp1.yml
Stack Status
/usr/local/bin/cfnl -s -f /Users/gsm987/.cfnl/uswest2/client1/account1/dev/webapp1.yml
Create Stack with Debugging
/usr/local/bin/cfnl -b -f /Users/gsm987/.cfnl/uswest2/client1/account1/dev/webapp1.yml
Delete Stack with Debugging
/usr/local/bin/cfnl -d -b -f /Users/gsm987/.cfnl/uswest2/client1/account1/dev/webapp1.yml
Levon Becker
Examples BASH Profile scripts to simplify use, but are not required of course.
# CloudFormation Launcher Aliases
if [ -f $HOME/.bash_cfnl ]; then
source $HOME/.bash_cfnl
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# CloudFormation Launcher -
# Symlink
if [ ! -h "/usr/local/bin/cfnl" ]; then
ln -s "$HOME/Development/github/bonusbits/cfn_launcher/" /usr/local/bin/cfnl
function cfnl-show() {
function cfnl-set-path() {
export CFNL_PATH="$cfnl_configs_path"
# Default
cfnl-set-path $HOME/.cfnl/uswest2/client1/account01/prd/project01
function cfc() {
# Create
/usr/local/bin/cfnl -f "$CFNL_PATH/$1.yml"
function cfu() {
# Update
/usr/local/bin/cfnl -u -f "$CFNL_PATH/$1.yml"
function cfd() {
# Delete
/usr/local/bin/cfnl -d -f "$CFNL_PATH/$1.yml"
function cfs() {
# Status
/usr/local/bin/cfnl -s -f "$CFNL_PATH/$1.yml"
function cfcd() {
# Create with Debug
/usr/local/bin/cfnl -b -f "$CFNL_PATH/$1.yml"
function cfud() {
# Update with Debug
/usr/local/bin/cfnl -b -u -f "$CFNL_PATH/$1.yml"
function cfdd() {
# Delete with Debug
/usr/local/bin/cfnl -b -d -f "$CFNL_PATH/$1.yml"
function cfsd() {
# Status with Debug
/usr/local/bin/cfnl -b -s -f "$CFNL_PATH/$1.yml"
You can use whatever folder structure you like. This is just an example.
└── uswest2
└── client01
└── account01
├── dev
│ ├── project01
│ │ └── efs.yml
│ │ └── rds-snapshot.yml
│ │ └── web.yml
│ ├── shared
│ │ └── vpc.yml
│ │ └── utm.yml
│ └── project02
│ ├── efs.yml
│ └── rds-snapshot.yml
│ └── web.yml
└── prd
├── project01
│ ├── efs.yml
│ ├── rds.yml
│ └── web.yml
├── shared
│ ├── vpc.yml
│ └── utm.yml
└── project02
├── efs.yml
├── rds.yml
├── web-blue.yml
└── web-green.yml
# Set CFNL Path
cfnl-set-path $HOME/.cfnl/uswest2/client01/account01/dev/project01
# CFNL is now set to use $HOME/.cfnl/uswest2/client01/account01/dev/project01/*.yml
# Create Stack
cfc web
# Delete Stack
cfd web
# Update Stack
cfu web
# Stack Status
cfs web
[2017-03-21_13:44:35] ** Start CloudFormation Launcher v1.6.0 **
[2017-03-21_13:44:35] ACTION: CREATE
"StackId": "arn:aws:cloudformation:us-west-2:000000000000:stack/webapp1/32046180-0e78-11e7-86c8-513ac9841b19"
[2017-03-21_13:44:36] REPORT: Successfully Executed CREATE Stack Command
[2017-03-21_13:44:37] REPORT: Successfully Executing Status Check
[2017-03-21_13:44:37] REPORT: Status (CREATE_IN_PROGRESS)
[2017-03-21_13:44:37] REPORT: CREATE stack is not complete!
[2017-03-21_13:44:37] REPORT: Attempt 1 of 360.
[2017-03-21_13:44:37] RUNTIME: 00 minutes 02 seconds
[2017-03-21_13:44:37] REPORT: Polling again in 5 seconds...
[2017-03-21_13:44:42] REPORT: Successfully Executing Status Check
[2017-03-21_13:44:42] REPORT: Status (CREATE_IN_PROGRESS)
[2017-03-21_13:44:42] REPORT: CREATE stack is not complete!
[2017-03-21_13:44:42] REPORT: Attempt 2 of 360.
[2017-03-21_13:44:42] RUNTIME: 00 minutes 07 seconds
[2017-03-21_13:44:42] REPORT: Polling again in 5 seconds...
[2017-03-21_13:44:48] REPORT: Successfully Executing Status Check
[2017-03-21_13:44:48] REPORT: Status (CREATE_IN_PROGRESS)
[2017-03-21_13:44:48] REPORT: CREATE stack is not complete!
[2017-03-21_13:44:48] REPORT: Attempt 3 of 360.
[2017-03-21_13:44:48] RUNTIME: 00 minutes 13 seconds
[2017-03-21_13:44:48] REPORT: Polling again in 5 seconds...
... Fast Forward ...
[2017-03-21_14:00:48] REPORT: Successfully Executing Status Check
[2017-03-21_14:00:48] REPORT: Status (CREATE_IN_PROGRESS)
[2017-03-21_14:00:48] REPORT: CREATE stack is not complete!
[2017-03-21_14:00:48] REPORT: Attempt 172 of 360.
[2017-03-21_14:00:48] RUNTIME: 16 minutes 13 seconds
[2017-03-21_14:00:48] REPORT: Polling again in 5 seconds...
[2017-03-21_14:00:54] REPORT: Successfully Executing Status Check
[2017-03-21_14:00:54] REPORT: Status (CREATE_COMPLETE)
[2017-03-21_14:00:54] REPORT: CREATE Completed!
[2017-03-21_14:00:54] ENDTIME: (Tue Mar 21 14:00:54 PDT 2017)
[2017-03-21_14:00:54] RUNTIME: 16 minutes 19 seconds
[2017-03-21_14:00:54] REPORT: CREATE SUCCESS!
[2017-03-21_14:11:10] ** Start CloudFormation Launcher v1.6.0 **
[2017-03-21_14:11:10] ACTION: UPDATE
"StackId": "arn:aws:cloudformation:us-west-2:000000000000:stack/webapp1/32046180-0e78-11e7-86c8-513ac9841b19"
[2017-03-21_14:11:11] REPORT: Successfully Executed UPDATE Stack Command
[2017-03-21_14:11:12] REPORT: Successfully Executing Status Check
[2017-03-21_14:11:12] REPORT: Status (UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS)
[2017-03-21_14:11:12] REPORT: UPDATE stack is not complete!
[2017-03-21_14:11:12] REPORT: Attempt 1 of 360.
[2017-03-21_14:11:12] RUNTIME: 00 minutes 02 seconds
[2017-03-21_14:11:12] REPORT: Polling again in 5 seconds...
[2017-03-21_14:11:17] REPORT: Successfully Executing Status Check
[2017-03-21_14:11:17] REPORT: Status (UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS)
[2017-03-21_14:11:17] REPORT: UPDATE stack is not complete!
[2017-03-21_14:11:17] REPORT: Attempt 2 of 360.
[2017-03-21_14:11:17] RUNTIME: 00 minutes 07 seconds
[2017-03-21_14:11:17] REPORT: Polling again in 5 seconds...
... Fast Forward ...
[2017-03-21_14:11:46] REPORT: Successfully Executing Status Check
[2017-03-21_14:11:46] REPORT: Status (UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS)
[2017-03-21_14:11:46] REPORT: UPDATE stack is not complete!
[2017-03-21_14:11:46] REPORT: Attempt 7 of 360.
[2017-03-21_14:11:46] RUNTIME: 00 minutes 36 seconds
[2017-03-21_14:11:46] REPORT: Polling again in 5 seconds...
[2017-03-21_14:11:52] REPORT: Successfully Executing Status Check
[2017-03-21_14:11:52] REPORT: Status (UPDATE_COMPLETE)
[2017-03-21_14:11:52] REPORT: UPDATE Completed!
[2017-03-21_14:11:52] ENDTIME: (Tue Mar 21 14:11:52 PDT 2017)
[2017-03-21_14:11:52] RUNTIME: 00 minutes 42 seconds
[2017-03-21_14:11:52] REPORT: UPDATE SUCCESS!
[2017-03-21_14:17:20] ** Start CloudFormation Launcher v1.6.0 **
[2017-03-21_14:17:20] ACTION: DELETE
[2017-03-21_14:17:20] ACTION: Deleting Stack
[2017-03-21_14:17:21] REPORT: Successfully Executed Delete Stack Command
[2017-03-21_14:17:21] REPORT: Successfully Executing Status Check
[2017-03-21_14:17:21] REPORT: Status (DELETE_IN_PROGRESS)
[2017-03-21_14:17:21] REPORT: Delete not complete!
[2017-03-21_14:17:21] REPORT: Attempt 1 of 360.
[2017-03-21_14:17:21] RUNTIME: 00 minutes 01 seconds
[2017-03-21_14:17:21] Polling again in 5 seconds...
[2017-03-21_14:17:27] REPORT: Successfully Executing Status Check
[2017-03-21_14:17:27] REPORT: Status (DELETE_IN_PROGRESS)
[2017-03-21_14:17:27] REPORT: Delete not complete!
[2017-03-21_14:17:27] REPORT: Attempt 2 of 360.
[2017-03-21_14:17:27] RUNTIME: 00 minutes 07 seconds
[2017-03-21_14:17:27] Polling again in 5 seconds...
... Fast Forward ...
[2017-03-21_14:18:54] REPORT: Successfully Executing Status Check
[2017-03-21_14:18:54] REPORT: Status (DELETE_IN_PROGRESS)
[2017-03-21_14:18:54] REPORT: Delete not complete!
[2017-03-21_14:18:54] REPORT: Attempt 17 of 360.
[2017-03-21_14:18:54] RUNTIME: 01 minutes 34 seconds
[2017-03-21_14:18:54] Polling again in 5 seconds...
[2017-03-21_14:19:00] REPORT: Successfully Executing Status Check
[2017-03-21_14:19:00] REPORT: Status (DELETE_IN_PROGRESS)
[2017-03-21_14:19:00] REPORT: Delete not complete!
[2017-03-21_14:19:00] REPORT: Attempt 18 of 360.
[2017-03-21_14:19:00] RUNTIME: 01 minutes 40 seconds
[2017-03-21_14:19:00] Polling again in 5 seconds...
An error occurred (ValidationError) when calling the DescribeStacks operation: Stack with id webapp1 does not exist
[2017-03-21_14:19:06] REPORT: Successfully Executing Status Check
[2017-03-21_14:19:06] REPORT: Status (DOES NOT EXIST)
[2017-03-21_14:19:06] REPORT: Stack Deleted (webapp1)
[2017-03-21_14:19:06] ENDTIME: (Tue Mar 21 14:19:06 PDT 2017)
[2017-03-21_14:19:06] RUNTIME: 01 minutes 46 seconds
[2017-03-21_14:19:06] REPORT: DELETE SUCCESS!
Stack Status: (DOES NOT EXIST)
- Can not use underscores of hyphens in yaml properties file key names.