
Terraform module to deploy IBM Cloud Private (ICP)

Primary LanguageShell

Terraform ICP Provision Module

This terraform module can be used to deploy IBM Cloud Private on any supported infrastructure vendor. Currently tested with Ubuntu 16.06 on SoftLayer VMs, deploying ICP 1.2.0 and 2.1.0-beta-1 Community Editions.


If the default SSH user is not the root user, the default user must have password-less sudo access.


variable default required description
icp-version Yes Version of ICP to provision. Format Can be tag, repo:tag or org/repo:tag.
For example 1.2.0, 1.2.0-ee, icp-inception:2.1.0-beta-2.
ibmcom is default org, cfc-installer is default repo
icp-master Yes IP address of ICP Masters. First master will also be boot master. CE edition only supports single master
icp-worker Yes IP addresses of ICP Worker nodes.
cluster_size Yes Define total clustersize. Workaround for terraform issue #10857.
icp-proxy Yes IP addresses of ICP Proxy nodes.
icp_configuration {} No Configuration items for ICP installation.
enterprise-edition False No Whether to provision enterprise edition (EE) or community edition (CE). EE requires image files to be provided
ssh_key ~/.ssh/id_rsa No Private key corresponding to the public key that the cloud servers are provisioned with
icpuser admin No Username of initial admin user. Default: Admin
config_strategy merge No Strategy for original config.yaml shipped with ICP. Default is merge, everything else means override
icppassword admin No Password of initial admin user. Default: Admin
ssh_user root No Username to ssh into the ICP cluster. This is typically the default user with for the relevant cloud vendor
icp_pub_keyfile /dev/null No Public ssh key for ICP Boot master to connect to ICP Cluster. Only use when generate_key = false
generate_key False No Whether to generate a new ssh key for use by ICP Boot Master to communicate with other nodes
image_file /dev/null No Filename of image. Only required for enterprise edition
icp_priv_keyfile /dev/null No Private ssh key for ICP Boot master to connect to ICP Cluster. Only use when generate_key = false
icp_config_file /dev/null No Yaml configuration file for ICP installation

Usage example

module "icpprovision" {
    source = "github.com/ibm-cloud-architecture/terraform-module-icp-deploy"
    icp-master = ["${softlayer_virtual_guest.icpmaster.ipv4_address}"]
    icp-worker = ["${softlayer_virtual_guest.icpworker.*.ipv4_address}"]
    icp-proxy = ["${softlayer_virtual_guest.icpproxy.*.ipv4_address}"]
    enterprise-edition = false
    #icp-version = "2.1.0-beta-1"
    icp-version = "1.2.0"

    /* Workaround for terraform issue #10857
     When this is fixed, we can work this out autmatically */
    cluster_size  = "${var.master["nodes"] + var.worker["nodes"] + var.proxy["nodes"]}"

    icp_configuration = {
      "network_cidr"              = ""
      "service_cluster_ip_range"  = ""

    generate_key = true
    ssh_user  = "ubuntu"
    ssh_key   = "~/.ssh/id_rsa"

ICP Configuration

Configuration file is generated from items in the following order

  1. config.yaml shipped with ICP (if config_strategy = merge, else blank)
  2. config.yaml specified in icp_config_file
  3. key: value items specified in icp_configuration

Details on configuration items on ICP KnowledgeCenter


The module supports automatic scaling of worker nodes. To scale simply add more nodes in the root resource supplying the icp-worker variable. You can see working examples for softlayer in the icp-softlayer repository

Please note, because of how terraform handles module dependencies and triggers, it is currently necessary to retrigger the scaling resource after scaling down nodes. If you don't do this ICP will continue to report inactive nodes until the next scaling event. To manually trigger the removal of deleted node, run these commands:

  1. terraform taint --module icpprovision null_resource.icp-worker-scaler
  2. terraform apply