
Primary LanguagePHPThe UnlicenseUnlicense


Gazelle is a web framework geared towards private BitTorrent trackers. Although naturally focusing on music, it can be modified for most needs. Gazelle is written in PHP, JavaScript, and MySQL.

Gazelle Runtime Dependencies

Gazelle/Ocelot Compile-time Dependencies

  • Git (required)
  • GCC/G++ (4.7+ required; 4.8.1+ recommended)
  • Boost (1.55.0+ required)

Note: This list may not be exhaustive.


See the script in .vagrant/gazelle-setup.sh to get a gist of what needs to be done to install Gazelle on Debian Jessie. You should be able to modify this to whatever distro you want to run it on.


To fully utilize the Logchecker, you must install the following depedencies through pip:

  • chardet
  • eac-logchecker
  • xld-logchecker

Gazelle Development

This repository comes pre-setup to be run through Vagrant for ease of development and without having to modify your local machine. You can look through the docs for how it works, but to start, you just need to download Vagrant and VirtualBox (and it's recommended to get the vagrant-vbguest plugin) and then simply run:

vagrant up

This will build a Debian Jessie on a Virtual Machine and serve this repository through /var/www on the machine. It will also forward the following ports:

  • 8080 -> 80 (nginx)
  • 36000 -> 3306 (mysql)
  • 34000 -> 34000 (ocelot)

You can access the site by going to http://localhost:8080

Feel free to join #develop on irc.orpheus.network to discuss any questions concerning Gazelle (or any of the repos used by Orpheus).