
Extension function to make WeakReferences easy

Primary LanguageKotlin


PowerReference makes using WeakReferences cleaner and easier.


PowerReference is hosted on Jitpack. To build it, add jitpack to your sources.

maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }

Include PowerReference.

dependencies {
  implementation 'com.github.garretyoder:PowerReference:1.0'


Make a reference.

val ref = myObject.asReference()

Get object from your reference.


The object will be nullable (?) because your WeakReference may have been garbage collected since it's creation. To use it you will have to null check it.

ref()?.let {
  //TODO: do something with the object

PowerReference provides a simple extension function to make the above pattern easier, safe. The safe method will work on any object, not just PowerReferences.

ref().safe {
  //TODO: do something with the object