
Backend API for Kitchen Support

Primary LanguageJavaScript

api Circle CI

Backend API for Kitchen Support

API Details

Our API uses HTTP verbs to convey meaning. GET requests are used for pure information retrieval, while POST requests are used for creating new information.

Every request except for initial login and account creation requests will need to pass along a valid API token with the key token. These tokens are returned by the account creation and login processes. Additionally, every request will eventually need an app_secret, which validates that your app is allowed to use our service.

API Reference


The account object

All requests relating to accounts will have a response in this form.

    "user": {
        "id": 1,
        "email": "user@example.com",
        "token": "5478a2d9-0a18-48f6-8f8c82fb3cc3",
        "created": 1386247539
    "status": "success"

Create an account


POST https://api.kitchen.support/accounts/create


  • Basic authentication
    • email: A valid email address.
    • password: A password matching our security rules (which are currently nonexistent).
  • Authentication with facebook (UNIMPLEMENTED)
    • facebook_token: A valid facebook access token, with profile and email permissions. We use these permissions to fill out the user's KitchenSupport account profile.

Log into an account


POST https://api.kitchen.support/accounts/login


  • Basic authentication
    • email: A valid email address.
    • password: A password matching our security rules (which are currently nonexistent).
  • Authentication with facebook (UNIMPLEMENTED)
    • facebook_token: A valid facebook access token, with profile and email permissions. We use these permissions to fill out the user's KitchenSupport account profile.

Retrieve an account


GET https://api.kitchen.support/account


  • token: A valid API token corresponding to tha account being requested.