
Preprocessor / Pretty Printer for OCaml

Primary LanguageOCamlOtherNOASSERTION


Camlp5 is a preprocessor-pretty-printer of ocaml.

It is compatible with all versions of ocaml from 1.07 to 4.10.0 (when they compile), and jocaml 3.12.0 to 3.12.1.

This Camlp5 version is 7.09-exp.


You need the ocaml compiler installed. It must be accessible in the path.


  1. First, run the "configure" script by typing:

The configure script has a few options. Use the --help option to get a list and short description of each option.

  1. It creates a Makefile, which can be invoked by:
   make world.opt

Alternatively, you can decompose the operations into:

   make out

Then, to make camlp5 check itself:

   make bootstrap

Further, to make the native-code library:

   make opt

At end, to make more native-code programs:

   make opt.opt
  1. The binaries are installed by typing:
   make install

or, if you install to a system location but are not an administrator

   sudo make install


The directory doc/htmlp contains the sources of the full documentation. To build it, cd doc/htmlp, and:

  • for its html version, type "make", result in directory ../html
  • for its latex version, type "make tex", result camlp5.tex
  • for its ps version, type "make ps", result camlp5.ps
  • for its pdf version, type "make pdf", result camlp5.pdf
  • for its info version, type "make info", result camlp5.info*


The file DEVEL gives information for people who want to make changes in Camlp5, or who are just curious of how it is implemented. The same explanations are also in the chapter "Camlp5 sources" in the documentation.


If you have problems to compile your source files with this version of Camlp5, the reason can be that there the new type 'location' is now abstract. Consider looking at the file UPGRADING.


Daniel de Rauglaudre daniel.de_rauglaudre@inria.fr