
Javascript Engineer Skill Test

Primary LanguageJavaScript

GumGum - JavaScript Engineering Skill Test


In this Skill Test we will try to assest your knowledge and experience when it comes to develop using JavaScript language. We will also cover some other web-based development tools and concepts.

What's important for us?

  • You are honest. Its OK to say I don't know.
  • GumGum is highly dynamic, we move fast but we need to be careful.
  • We prefer quality over speed, and speed over quantity.
  • You are a team player, please be considerate while coding.
  • Pay attention to the details.
  • Be communicative.
  • Be communicative. Really.

So, what's covered in this exercises?

  • JavaScript. Core, raw, pure javascript. We love jQuery too, but this position is not about it.
  • JavaScript patterns, OOJS or JSOO, closures, callbacks, scopes, prototypes and all that jazz.
  • The Browser(s): DOM, BOM, Developer tools, Debugging, etc.
  • Cross-Browser Compatibility: Hacks, Polyfills, performance comparisons, etc.
  • Client-side communication.
  • HTML(5) and CSS(3). Responsive design.
  • Some TDD, some Git, some 3rd party software, etc.


  • Read these instructions and each of the test carefully before you start to code.
  • You DON'T need to complete ALL the tests to send them back to use, you can choose and go for quality over quantity. But the more the merrier.
  • We recommend you to get (however you like) this folder, so you can send it back to us and we will easily check your changes ;)
  • Each folder has a different test, some will require extra files, some won't. You're free to modify these files in order to complete the test, just be sure that your answers will work out-of-the-box or create a README file about how to set it up (or automate it).
  • Each test is completely unstyled, we don't require you to beautify it but we do like pretty things too.
  • There's no numeration of the test so difficulty its not progressive, so be ready.
  • We will use internet-enabled computers while reviewing your work, so don't hesitate to use online resources (as long as they are available for us).
  • We would love to see minified code, but please also send us the original un-minified code.
  • Please let us know an ETA for your test.
  • Assume the general rules for all the tasks:
    • No jQuery or 3rd party JS libs
    • No PHP/Server-side processing.
  • For bonus points on all tasks:
    • Readable and logically documented code, no need to document each line, but one or two lines in the interesting parts is ok.
    • JSHint/Lint pass.


  1. Starting Quiz
  2. DOM and more
  3. TDD and OOJS
  4. BOM! Iframes!
  5. Embed Code
  6. Out of this DOM