
Convert simple objects to mongo update conditions with support of operators

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Convert simple objects to mongo update operators.

This lightweight library can be used to create a more readable code when working with mongo updates. You focus on updated properties of the document, rather than on mongo update instructions.

var dot = require('mongo-dot-notation');
var flatten = dot.flatten;
var op = dot.Operators;

var MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient;
var url = 'mongodb://localhost:27017/mydatabase';
MongoClient.connect(url, function(err, db) {
  if (err) throw err;
  // standard way
  var update = {
    $set: { 
      'comment': 'Logged in.',
      'system': 'demo',
      'account.attempts': 0
    $currentDate: {
      'login.date': true
    $inc: {
      'analytics.visits': 1,
      'account.logins': 1,
    $unset: {
  updateUser(db, update, function(err, res){
  // using mongo-dot-notation
  var update = {
    comment: 'Logged in.',
    system: 'demo',
    login: {
      date: op.$currentDate()
    analytics: {
      visits: op.$inc()
    account: {
      blocked: op.$unset(),
      attempts: 0,
      logins: op.$inc()
  updateUser(db, flatten(update), function(err, res){

function updateUser(db, user, handler){
  var collection = db.collection('users');
  collection.update({username: 'johndoe@test.com'}, user, handler);

The current implementation supports all mongo update operators:

  • $inc
  • $mul
  • $rename
  • $setOnInsert
  • $set
  • $unset
  • $min
  • $max
  • $currentDate
  • use $currentDate for conversion to $type = 'date'
  • use $timestamp for conversion to $type = 'timestamp'


Install from npm:

  npm install mongo-dot-notation --save


Convert a simple object

var dot = require('mongo-dot-notation');

var person = {
  firstName: 'John',
  lastName: 'Doe'

var instructions = dot.flatten(person)
  $set: {
    'firstName': 'John',
    'lastName': 'Doe'

Convert an object with deep properties

var dot = require('mongo-dot-notation');

var person = {
  firstName: 'John',
  lastName: 'Doe',
  address: {
    city: 'NY',
    street: 'Eighth Avenu',
    number: 123

var instructions = dot.flatten(person)
  $set: {
    'firstName': 'John',
    'lastName': 'Doe',
    'address.city': 'NY',
    'address.street': 'Eighth Avenu',
    'address.number': 123

Using operators

var dot = require('mongo-dot-notation');
var $inc = dot.Operators.$inc;
var $currentDate = dot.Operators.$currentDate;

var person = {
  password: '1234',
  updated: $currentDate(),
  resetCounter: $inc()

var instructions = dot.flatten(person)
  $set: {
    'password': '1234'
  $inc: {
    'resetCounter': 1
  $currentDate: {
    'updated': { $type: 'date'},

Operators can also be used in inner objects:

var dot = require('mongo-dot-notation');
var op = dot.Operators;

var pos = {
  coords: {
    x: op.$mul(2),
    y: op.$inc(10),
    z: op.$unset(),
    mark: [1, 2, 3]
  label: op.$rename('title')

var instructions = dot.flatten(pos)
  $set: {
    'coords.mark': [1, 2, 3]
  $mul: {
    'coords.x': 2
  $inc: {
    'coords.y': 10
  $unset: {
    'coords.z': ''
  $rename: {
    'label': 'title'

Operators cannot be used inside arrays.

Update operators signatures

var dot = require('mongo-dot-notation');
var op = dot.Operators;

// op.$inc(value) increment value, defaults to 1
// op.$mul(value) multiply factor, defaults to 1
// op.$rename(name) renames a field with a given name
// op.$setOnInsert(value) sets the value only when inserted
// op.$set(value) sets the value. This is an implicit operator, meaning:
//    {a: 1} and {a: $set(1)} are equivalent  
// op.$unset() removes the field
// op.$min(value) only updates the field if the specified value is less than the existing field value
// op.$max(value) only updates the field if the specified value is greater than the existing field value
// op.$currentDate() sets the value of a field to current date as a Date
// op.$timestamp() sets the value of a field to current date as a Timestamp

Copyright © 2015 Dumitru Deveatii, released under the MIT license